
Showing 826-836 of 836 titles.
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Gleanings in Europe

In the summer of 1828 James Fenimore Cooper, his wife, and their five children set out from Paris for Switzerland, and Cooper wrote that he experienced a "glorious anticipation," for "a common-place converse ...

Islamic Historiography

By Tarif Khalidi
Subjects: History

The importance of Muslim historical writing in the medieval period and the fact that few detailed studies exist, make Professor Khalidi's book of special importance both to Arabists and to medievalists. ...

The Making of the National Labor Relations Board

By James A. Gross
Subjects: History

Definitive study of the NLRB as an administrative agency which became one of the most important political and legal developments in the last century as it influenced the growth of a national labor policy ...

The Money Machines

The Money Machines advances the provocative thesis that the mechanisms for financing state and local government in the Northern United States from 1860 to 1920 were deeply enmeshed with those financing ...