Politics and Law

Showing 51-75 of 819 titles.
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Party Switching in Israel

Analyzes the history of legislative party switching and its regulation in the Israeli Knesset.

Global Libidinal Economy

Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy.

The Eight

The personal and legal struggle of eight enslaved people for freedom in New York in the period just before the Civil War.

Equality and Excellence in Ancient and Modern Political Philosophy

Edited by Steven Frankel & John Ray
Subjects: Politics And Law

Interpretations of critically important texts in political philosophy from Greek antiquity to modern times on the tension between human excellence and equality and its possible resolution.

Working through Surveillance and Technical Communication

This book addresses contemporary surveillance practices and examines technical communicators' roles in carrying them out.

Following the Ticker

Traces the influence of the stock market on Americans' beliefs about politics.

China and Its Small Neighbors

Analyzes the nature, processes, and political consequences of the asymmetrical relationships between China and its six small neighbors in Asia.

Returning to Judgment

Explores the importance of political judgment in the work of Bernard Stiegler, and argues his approach to judgment marks an important break with continental political thought.

In Local Hands

The first comprehensive study of village government formation and dissolution in New York State.

The China Record

Detailed assessment of the People's Republic of China as an alternative mode of political system and as a distinctive model of socioeconomic development.

Truth and Politics

Endorses the pursuit of paradigm shifts in our understandings of faith, truth, and nature to remedy the "underside" of modernity and thus to inaugurate a post-modern (but not anti-modern) and post-secular (but not anti-secular) view of the world.

Deconstructive Constitutionalism

Investigates, by way of Derrida's engagements with Kant, how the foundations of modern constitutionalism can be differently conceived to address some of the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America

Explores the effects of the cyber revolution for security in the Americas.

Confucian Liberalism

Offers a renovated form of Confucian liberalism that forges a reconciliation between the two extremes of anti-Confucian liberalism and anti-liberal Confucianism.

Animals in the World

Five innovative essays demonstrating how Aristotle's biology is an integral part of Aristotle's understanding of the universe.

The Political Theory of Salvage

Explores the political and theoretical significance of the use of salvaging discarded materials by social movements during their protest activities.

Racism and Resistance

Essays providing a multi-disciplinary look at Derrick Bell's thesis of racial realism.

Ladies' Day at the Capitol

First history of New York's women legislators within the larger story of New York State politics.

Making the Public Service Millennial

Examines how the new wave of Generation Y public service employees are affecting the dynamics of continuity and change in public management ethics.

Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary

A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes's political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life.

Primary Elections and American Politics

Argues that Progressive Era reforms had the counterintuitive effect of weakening political parties and their role in representative government.

Plato's Stranger

Meditation on the character of the Eleatic Stranger in Plato's late dialogues, arguing that the prominent place afforded to this foreigner—the other—represents an important philosophical and political legacy regarding the way thought, and life in the community, is understood.

Voices from Death Row, Second Edition

A searing, personal look at conditions on Texas's Death Row—told in the words of the prisoners themselves.

Myth and Authority

Argues that Giambattista Vico's early modern account of Roman mythology was a sophisticated attempt to present an epistemological and political critique of the aristocratic way of conceiving the world.

Opining Beauty Itself

Argues that Plato thinks that ordinary people grapple with the Forms and can make epistemological progress, even if they never achieve knowledge.