
Showing 1-25 of 44 titles.
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Action, Embodied Mind, and Life World

Combines phenomenology with the "enactivist" approach to consciousness theory and recent emotion research to explore the way self-motivated action plans shape selective attention, exploration, and ultimately the mind's interpretation of reality - in philosophy, psychology, cultural awareness, and our personal lives.

A Sourcebook in Classical Confucian Philosophy

Applies a method of comparative cultural hermeneutics to let the tradition speak on its own terms.

A Conceptual Lexicon for Classical Confucian Philosophy

Uses a comparative hermeneutical method to explain the most important terms in the classical Confucian philosophical texts, in an effort to allow the tradition to speak on its own terms.

Time in Exile

Proposes a theoretically rich treatment of temporality within exile as "gerundive" time.

Life as Insinuation

A holistic reinterpretation of Santayana’s thought in terms of a dramatic philosophy of life.

Beyond the Subject

An original reading of Nietzsche and Heidegger that paved the way for Vattimo's conception of weak thought.

Thinking the Inexhaustible

Essays address the major themes of Pareyson’s hermeneutic philosophy in the context of his existentialist approach to personhood.

The Experience of Truth

Advances a hermeneutic conception of truth as a mode of being, in dialogue with Aristotle, Nietzsche, Gadamer, Heidegger, Putnam, and Rorty.

Between Philosophy and Non-Philosophy

Engages the work and career of the philosopher Hugh J. Silverman.

Doing Time

Proposes that cinematic time is not a fixed idea, but a dynamic exchange between film and viewer.

Nihilism and Metaphysics

An assessment and reevaluation of nihilism’s ascendency over metaphysics.

Truth and Interpretation

A resolute defense of philosophy and hermeneutics against the threats of dogmatism and relativism.

Emplotting Virtue

A rich hermeneutic account of the way virtue is understood and developed.

Thinking the Poetic Measure of Justice

A new reading of justice engaging the work of two philosophical poets who stand in conversation with the work of Martin Heidegger.

Weak Thought

Foundational collection on one of the most influential concepts to emerge from contemporary Italian philosophy.

Utopia of Understanding

A hermeneutics of language after Auschwitz.

Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition

Expanded new edition of a classic examination of the psychological roots of our ecological crisis.

The Possible Present

A practical hermeneutics of time.


Appearing for the first time in English, Günter Figal’s groundbreaking book in the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics offers original perspectives on perennial philosophical problems.

Between Nihilism and Politics

Essays describe Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo’s unique and radical hermeneutic philosophy.

What Is Enlightenment

A cross-cultural work which reinvigorates the consideration of enlightenment.

Sense and Finitude

Takes Heidegger’s later thought as a point of departure for exploring the boundaries of post-conceptual thinking.

Images of Thought

Explores the relationship between philosophy and art through the work of Cuban American artist Carlos Estévez.

The Gathering of Reason

This second edition of the author's classic study of Kant's First Critique includes a new preface and extensive afterword.

Ricoeur as Another

Leading scholars address Paul Ricoeur's last major work, Oneself as Another.