Plato, Time, and Education

Essays in Honor of Robert S. Brumbaugh

Edited by Brian P. Hendley

Subjects: Philosophy
Paperback : 9780887067341, 344 pages, January 1988
Hardcover : 9780887067334, 344 pages, January 1988

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Table of contents




Part I: Plato

1. Socratic Piety
W. Thomas Schmid

2. Meno 86C-89A: A Mathematical Image of Philosophic Inquiry
Kenneth Seeskin

3. Plato on Doubling the Cube: Politicus 266 AB
Malcolm Brown

4. The Theory of Perception in Plato's Theaetetus
Robert Anderson

5. Knowledge, Speculation, and Myth in Plato's Accounts of the Order and the Distances of Celestial Bodies
Alexander P. D. Mourelatos

6. What did Thales want to be when he grewup? or, Re-appraising the roles of engineering and technology on the origin of early greek philosophy/science
Robert Hahn

7. Tonal Isomorphism in Plato and the I Ching: Brumbaugh as cultural anthropologist
Ernest G. McClain

Part II: Time

8. Time, History, and Eschatology
George Allan

9. Time, Free Will, and Brumbaugh in Kantian Epistemology
Manley Thompson

10. Saint Augustine and Cicero's Dilemma
Brian Hendley

Part III: Education

11. Education as a Theme of Philosophy
Nathan Rotenstreich

12. Philosophy by Centuries: A Direction in Teaching
George Kimball Plochmann

13. Whitehead: Teacher of Teachers
Nathaniel Lawrence

Part IV: History of Philosophy

14. Mapping Friendship
Philip Bashor

15. Albertus Magnus as Commentator on Aristotle's Physics
Helen S. Lang

16. Descartes in Meditation and Method
Berel Lang

17. Kierkegaard and the Necessity of Forgery
Josiah Thompson

Part V: Bibliography of the Writings of Robert S. Brumbaugh


This collection of original essays pays tribute to the man by exploring topics that have interested him through a long and productive career. Plato's mathematical imagery, his theory of perception, the role of engineering techne in the origin of Greek science, time and free will in Kant, Whitehead as teacher of teachers, mapping friendships, Kierkegaard and the necessity of forgery. These and other topics are given fresh treatments meant to stimulate further philosophical thinking in the spirit of Brumbaugh himself.

Brian P. Hendley is Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo.