Mediaevalia Volume #42, (03/2021)

Table of Contents

The Status of Secular Musicians in Early Medieval England: Ethnomusicology and Anglo-Saxon Musical Culture
Steven Breeze

Maternity and Spiritual Progression in Dhuoda’s Liber manualis (840s CE)
Dana M. Polanichka

Crusade and Colonization in the Wendish Territories in the Early Twelfth Century: An Analysis of the So-called Magdeburg Letter of 1108
Mihai Dragnea

The Narrative Persona in the Cosmographia of Bernard Silvestris
Joseph Rudolph

Gender, Crisis, and Deviation in the Spaces of Clerical Romance: The Heterotopias of the Libro de Apolonio
Matthew V. Desing

From Anthology to Authority in the Vita Nova
Laurie Shepard

Christianity and Philosophy in Dante: A Critical Response to Paul Stern, Dante’s Philosophical Life
Marco Andreacchio

Boccaccio’s Filocolo and the Polyphony of Consolation
Gur Zak

Domesticating Philosophy: Dante’s Women in Boccaccio
Alyssa Granacki