Anthropology and Archaeology

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  • Anthropology and Archaeology
Showing 101-125 of 255 titles.
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Indigenous Bodies

An interdisciplinary exploration of indigenous bodies.

Tribal Worlds

Explores how indigenous nationhood has emerged and been maintained in the face of aggressive efforts to assimilate Native peoples.

Figuring Religions

Offers new ways of comparing features of the world’s religions.

The Archaeology of Violence

Interdisciplinary study of the role of violence in the Mediterranean and Europe.

Emerald City

A fascinating study of the gemstone industry of Jaipur with special emphasis on its ownership class.

Fighting Colonialism with Hegemonic Culture

Explores how American Indian businesses and organizations are taking on images that were designed to oppress them.

Indigenous North American Drama

Traces the historical dimensions of Native North American drama using a critical perspective.

The World's Great Wisdom

Surveying spiritual and philosophical traditions, this volume revives the search for wisdom for modern times.

Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care

Explores the end-of-life spiritual needs of people who do not identify with traditional religions.

Amskapi Pikuni

A contemporary history of one of the best-known American Indian nations.


The definitive history of the Tuscaroras and their return to western New York.

Rethinking Autonomy

Provides a critique of and alternative to the dominant paradigm used in biomedical ethics by exploring the Japanese concept of autonomy.

Strong Hearts, Native Lands

Uplifting account of the struggle between the Grassy Narrows First Nation and the Canadian logging industry.

Martial Arts as Embodied Knowledge

A wide-ranging scholarly consideration of the martial arts.

Becoming an Ancestor

A striking look at the death rituals of an indigenous community in North America.

Let Spirit Speak!

Edited by Vanessa K. Valdés
Subjects: Area Studies

Interdisciplinary celebration of the cultural contributions of members of the African Diaspora in the Western hemisphere.

Encounters with Witchcraft

A renowned authority on East Africa examines the effects of witchcraft beliefs on African culture, politics, and family life.

Potent Mana

Brilliant study of the effects of colonialism on the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Native Hawaiians, and their efforts to decolonize through healing and remembering.

Making Globalization Work for Women

Explores the potential for trade unions to defend the socioeconomic rights of women.

Reading Kant's Geography

Perspectives on Kant's teachings on geography and how they relate his understanding of the world.

Decolonizing Research in Cross-Cultural Contexts

International scholars share their experiences with the challenges inherent in representing indigenous cultures and decolonizing cross-cultural research.

Archaeology and the Origins of Philosophy

Detailed study of how Anaximander’s cosmological and philosophical conceptions were affected by architectural technologies.

The Politics of Spirit

A critical look at the development of the phenomenological approach to the study of religion, revealing its evaluative and metaphysical concepts.

The Beach Beneath the Streets

Examines New York City as a paradigmatic example of the tensions between privatization and public uses of space in the contemporary U.S.

Precarious Liberation

Examines the relationship of precarious employment to state policies on citizenship and social inclusion in the context of postapartheid South Africa.