SUNY series, The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Distinguished Monograph Series

Showing 1-13 of 13 titles.
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Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes

Explores mountain regions as cultural landscapes that have been shaped by long-term human-environment interactions.

Homo Migrans

Addresses the revolutionary impact of genetics, isotopes, and data science on the study of migration and mobility in past human societies.

The Archaeology of Inequality

Brings together archaeologists, art historians, sociologists, and classicists to explore the origins and development of unequal relationships in ancient societies.

The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia

Examines the culture and chronology of increasingly complex urban societies in western Anatolia during the Early Bronze Age.

Coming Together

Archaeologists, anthropologists, and classicists discuss how urbanization first emerged in strikingly different sociopolitical contexts in North America, Europe, and the Near East.

Water and Power in Past Societies

Examines the many ways water has contributed to power structures in the past, with insights for contemporary water management.

Diversity of Sacrifice

Explores sacrificial practices across a range of contexts from prehistory to the present.

The Archaeology of Childhood

Critical interdisciplinary examination of archeaology's approach to childhood in prehistory.

The Archaeology of Violence

Interdisciplinary study of the role of violence in the Mediterranean and Europe.