Recent Reviews and Media Highlights

Recent Reviews and Media Highlights

Stay up to date with all the news and reviews of SUNY Press books. Here's a list of recent reviews, news articles, and author interviews.

In the News: 

Curses of the Kingdom of Xixia, by Xue Mo and translated by Fan Pen Li Chen

The Spirit of New York, Second Edition: Defining Events in the Empire State's History, by Bruce W. Dearstyne

Progressive New York: Change and Reform in the Empire State, 1900-1920: A Reader, by Bruce W. Dearstyne

The Algonquin Round Table: 25 Years with the Legends Who Lunch, by Konrad Bercovici and edited by Mirana Comstock

Between Care and Justice: The Passions as Social Resource, by Elena Pulcini and translated by Silvia Benso & Antonio Calcagno

SUNY Press News:

‘When Will I Get a Book Contract?’, by Rebecca Colesworthy - Chronicle of Higher Education


Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan, by Paul Hansen

From Blues to Beyoncé: A Century of Black Women’s Generational Sonic Rhetorics, by Alexis McGee

Sun, Sea, Soil, Wine: Winemaking on the North Fork of Long Island, by Richard Olsen-Harbich

Jazz with a Beat: Small Group Swing, 1940–1960, by Tad Richards


Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl, by Ian Alexander Moore

  • Reviewed in Research in Phenomenology

"One thing will be apparent to any reader of Ian Alexander Moore's Dialogue on the Threshold: this is a singularly impressive work of scholarship … Dialogue on the Threshold, in short, is exemplary of what it means to inherit Heidegger critically without either cheap polemic or unconvincing apologetics." — Research in Phenomenology

Through the Periscope: Changing Culture, Italian America, by Martino Marazzi

  • Reviewed in Modern Language Review

"Through the Periscope deliberately moves along the outer edges of the academic canon of Italian American studies and, at the same time, vibrantly calls for a long-overdue rupturing of the 'favola bella' of Italian cultural centrism … [Marazzi's] study is characterized by thinking in cross-disciplinary and cross-epochal relations and references, a view through the periscope not only in terms of the study's contents but also from a methodological perspective." — Modern Language Review

The Aesthetic Clinic: Feminine Sublimation in Contemporary Writing, Psychoanalysis, and Art, by Fernanda Negrete

  • Reviewed in Journal of Modern Literature

"Reading Negrete's text is dazzling. This book is like a skilled quilt that bastes together performative art, visual art, literature, psychoanalysis, Charcot, Freud, Deleuze, and Lacan. Through the artwork of Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Lygia Clark, Marguerite Duras, Roni Horn, and Clarice Lispector, Negrete's study makes art intervene in psychoanalysis and vice versa. The intertwined approaches that enrich her close readings and interpretations are alluring." — Journal of Modern Literature

Material Acts in Everyday Hindu Worlds, by Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger

  • Reviewed in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

"…this book is rewarding not only for anthropologists and scholars of religion working on India. All with an interest in theoretical discussions about materiality in human culture will find inspiration here for further thinking." — Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Ember Days, by Mary Gilliland

Empire News: The Anglo-Indian Press Writes India, by Priti Joshi

  • Reviewed in Victorian Studies

"…a finely detailed study of news circulation in provincial and regional spaces during key periods of change and crisis, the latter not least exemplified by the chaos that engulfed India during the Indian insurgency and uprising of 1857. Information during this period became valuable currency, and Joshi draws our attention to the multiple movements of news from colony to metropole and the circulation of material within regional settings." — Victorian Studies

The Political Theory of Salvage, by Jason Kosnoski

Is Harpo Free?: And Other Questions of the Metaphysical Screen, by Matthew Cipa

African American Coping in the Political Sphere, by Jas M. Sullivan & Moriah Harman

  • Reviewed in CHOICE

"This is an illuminating work about how collective history and personal fortitude can shape political actions." — CHOICE

The Annotated Laozi: A New Translation of the Daodejing, by Paul Fischer

  • Reviewed in CHOICE

"Fischer provides a new and different translation of Laozi's Daodejing … Fischer's translation makes the text intelligible to those formed by contemporary liberalism; it thus provides an alternative to more historically oriented translations." — CHOICE

Wonder Strikes: Approaching Aesthetics and Literature with William Desmond, by Steven E. Knepper

  • Reviewed in Christianity & Literature

"…Steven Knepper has done a service to contemporary readers of literature, who often have trouble accounting for themselves at the bar of philosophy. By introducing us to Desmond, in company with so many other enriching, corroborating voices, he gives us fresh ways to reflect on the 'mother-tongue' the human race was born with." — Christianity & Literature

Black Campus Life: The Worlds Black Students Make at a Historically White Institution, by Antar A. Tichavakunda

  • Reviewed in Science Education

"…Tichavakunda does an excellent job with taking the reader deep into these different social worlds and helping us to understand the associated realities embodied in these worlds and for these students. The recommendations that are offered in this book aid in making the case for why higher education must devote more attention to the needs and specificity of Black students." — Science Education

From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism: Gaudapada, Bhartrhari, and Abhinavagupta, by Natalia Isayeva

Feminists Reclaim Mentorship: An Anthology, edited by Nancy K. Miller & Tahneer Oksman

  • Reviewed in RSI (Review in Italian)

Knausgård and the Autofictional Novel, by Claus Elholm Andersen

"…the book provides an inspiring tour de force through a myriad of discussions surrounding the work both in the media and in academia … Andersen's book is sure to attract many readers and spark new ideas in the extensive research on one of the most interesting authorships in our time." — Life Writing

Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary, by Christopher Holman

Stories, Streets, and Saints: Photographs and Oral Histories from Boston's North End, by Anthony V. Riccio

  • Reviewed in Italica

"Anthony V. Riccio has a gift for preserving the quotidianità of the Italian immigrants' emotional attachment to their ethnic enclaves." — Italica

Relocating the Sacred: African Divinities and Brazilian Cultural Hybridities, by Niyi Afolabi

  • Reviewed in Research in African Literatures

"Relocating the Sacred is an important contribution to the study of Atlantic spiritualities and religiosities … Afolabi's book is a terrific study of African divinities in Brazil, but his study also sheds light on the enduring questions of the coloniality and politics of knowledge production about Africa and the looting and repatriation of African cultural objects (especially chapter 2). This book will be useful for students and scholars interested in the religion, history, material culture, literature, and anthropology of Africa and its diaspora." — Research in African Literatures