New Releases

Showing 1-25 of 77 titles.

Happy Poems and Other Lies

Poems that chronicle an exiled speaker's battle with family-imposed religious dogma, their quest for acceptance, and their journey towards self-discovery through biblical language, surrealism, and absurdism.


Draws on indigenous African political thought in order to construct a political philosophy that will resist and restrain necropolitics and promote human flourishing in Africa.

The Philosophical Animal

Argues that humans are animals that philosophize about their condition by fictionalizing other animals.

Myth and the Making of History

Sheds new light on the relationship between myth and history in ancient China and the central role they have played in shaping early Chinese thought.

Transatlantic Bondage

A deeply researched, pathbreaking collection of original and newly translated essays on slavery in Spain, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.

Crossing Digital Fronteras

Demonstrates the liberatory potential of Latinx Digital Humanities at Hispanic-Serving Institutions and in Latinx Studies classrooms.

Gadamer and the Social Turn in Epistemology

Explores Gadamer's hermeneutic theory of understanding and puts this theory into conversation with several social epistemologies, including feminist epistemology.

Empire of Culture

Shows how Britain's trans-imperial engagements in the long nineteenth century have come to shape global cultural commodity flows today.

The Historic Woodstock Art Colony

Explores the remarkable range of artists who have worked in Woodstock, New York for over a century.

The Dybbuk

A comprehensive study of the history and evolution of the dybbuk, from kabbalistic tradition to popular folklore.

A Politics of Emancipation

A systematic overview of French Philosopher Miguel Abensour’s groundbreaking work and the two inseparable projects that govern it: a radical critique of all forms of domination and a search for a politics of emancipation.

Prophetic Wisdom

Shows how Engaged Buddhists can expand their understanding of the causes of collective suffering and develop nonviolent means for social transformation through a dialectic of love, power, and justice.


Makes a case for the value—and ultimately impact—of seemingly mundane moments in college classrooms.

Deeper Learning with Psychedelics

Through a philosophical lens, this book explores the powerful educational capabilities of classic psychedelics.

The History of the Siege

Prose poems that chronicle the eschatological age in which we live.

When History Returns

Turns to theories and cultural representations of psychosocial life to reflect on, and better understand, the challenges of learning in times of social strife.

Listening to Others

A collection of original essays and previously untranslated critical writings on the renowned Brazilian documentary filmmaker, Eduardo Coutinho.

Unlocking the Chinese Gate

Offers an innovative analysis of gates—as architectural components, visual images, and mental constructs—in early Chinese thought and material culture.

The Recursive Frontier

Shows how the myth of the American frontier persists as an ever-present, oppressive set of ideas about space, mobility, and race in the mid-twentieth-century literature of Los Angeles.

Through a Nuclear Lens

Examines the increasingly reciprocal nature of Franco-Japanese cultural exchange through films that center on nuclear issues.

Mental Health Resilience

Examines the forms of support, resources, and opportunities a person with mental illness requires to have the resilience needed for mental health recovery.

Between Care and Justice

Proposes a form of moral education that joins care and justice to nurture and develop the desirable moral sentiments for a more just world at the interpersonal, social, political economic, and environmental levels.

Hopelessly Alien

An in-depth sociological investigation of "hope" as it applies to the Italian immigrant experience in the blue-collar suburb of Chicago Heights between 1910 and 1950.

Class-Conscious Coal Miners

Multifaceted study of Pennsylvania's coal miners during the post-World War One era.

The Serpent's Plumes

Draws on Nahua concepts to explore Nahua literary production and contributions to cultural activism from the 1980s to the present.