Politics and Law

Showing 1-25 of 816 titles.
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Phenomenology and Future Generations

Demonstrates the fertility of the phenomenological tradition of philosophy for intergenerational justice and climate ethics.

Common Scents

Attends to the much-neglected sense of smell in and around modern poetry to suggest the possibility of a revolution of the senses.

Leo Strauss on Religion

Intriguing unpublished manuscripts by Leo Strauss, which explore the intricate relationship between religion, philosophy, and politics, accompanied by fourteen interpretative essays.

Buffalo's Waterfront Renaissance

Recounts how preservationists and environmentalists ultimately succeeded in persuading a powerful state agency to abandon its plans for privately developing Buffalo’s waterfront and instead revitalize the city by enhancing opportunities for members of the public to use and enjoy that same space.

State Power and Governance in Early Imperial China

Offers a new perspective on the first dynasty of imperial China and the reasons for its collapse.


Intellectual history of leisure and the use of that history to grapple with its potential future.

Affective Betrayal

Seeks to introduce an "affective turn" to the study of China's political modernization process.

The Whirlpool That Produced China

Provides a philosophical, cultural, and historical answer to the question: Where did China come from?

Relations and Roles in China's Internationalism

Creative exploration of how the encounter between Confucianism and western (neo)liberalism necessarily leads to the unlearning of both.

Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age

Edited by Aaron Schneider
Subjects: Politics And Law

Looks at how digitalization has changed the way we produce and interact, and the implications for working classes and countries of the Global South.

Reframing Diversity and Inclusive Leadership

Shows how authentic diversity and inclusive leadership practices can promote anti-racist, equitable, and transformational change in institutions of higher learning in the United States and beyond.

Frustrated Nationalism

Essays that describe the efforts of several groups in a variety of political settings to achieve greater control over the policies that affect them, the strategies they employ to do so, and their status today.

Alton B. Parker

Provides a fascinating and in-depth look into the life, career and legacy of one of the most important New Yorkers of the Gilded Age.

Leo Strauss and the Recovery of "Natural Philosophizing"

Examines how Leo Strauss sought to recover the question of "nature," which he saw as inseparable from genuine philosophy since its inception in ancient Greece.

"Revolution in Poetic Language" Fifty Years Later

Revisits Julia Kristeva's magnum opus on the fiftieth anniversary of its original publication to open up new paths of interdisciplinary inquiry.

A Politics of Emancipation

A systematic overview of French Philosopher Miguel Abensour’s groundbreaking work and the two inseparable projects that govern it: a radical critique of all forms of domination and a search for a politics of emancipation.


Draws on indigenous African political thought in order to construct a political philosophy that will resist and restrain necropolitics and promote human flourishing in Africa.

The Philosophical Animal

Argues that humans are animals that philosophize about their condition by fictionalizing other animals.

Between Care and Justice

Proposes a form of moral education that joins care and justice to nurture and develop the desirable moral sentiments for a more just world at the interpersonal, social, political economic, and environmental levels.

Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation

Drawing on the cases of South Africa, East Timor, Sierra Leone, and the Solomon Islands, examines how Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) have engaged with youth in ways that represent their stories and reflect their substantive participatory capacity as political stakeholders.

Progressive New York

The exciting story of New York in the progressive era told by the reformers and visionaries who shaped its history,

Imagining the American Polity, Second Edition

Traces the history of the concept of democracy in the United States.

Nietzsche and Politicized Identities

Essays exploring to what extent Nietzsche's thought can aid us in understanding politicized identities.

Freedom's Frailty

Draws on Guo Xiang's commentary on the Zhuangzi to construct an account of freedom that is both metaphysical and political.

Growing Strong, Growing Apart

Explores the role of democracy in NATO expansion decisions throughout the organizations history and looking forward into the future.