Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science

Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life

By Babette E. Babich

Subjects: Continental Philosophy
Series: SUNY series, The Margins of Literature
Paperback : 9780791418666, 366 pages, January 1994
Hardcover : 9780791418659, 366 pages, January 1994

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Table of contents

Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction Prologue: The Problem of the Philosophy of Science and Nietzsche's Question of Ground
The Plan of the Text

Chapter 1
Nietzsche's Musical Stylistics: Writing a Philosophy of Science The Hermeneutic Challenge of Nietzsche's Elitism: Style and Interpretive Affinity
Philosophic Concinnity: The Spirit of Music and Nietzschean Style
The Project of Communication: Self-Deconstruction and Nietzschean Selectivity
Nietzsche's Style: A Mechanical Model

Chapter 2
Science as Interpretation: The Light of Philology
The Question of a Nietzsche-Styled Philosophy of Science
Towards a Nietzschean Critique of Science
Nietzsche's Perspectivalism: The Spectre ofRelativism and the Spirit of Difference
Truth, Pragmatism, and Relativism: Realism a nd theReal
The Meaning of Critique: Nietzschean Possibilitiesfor Philosophy
Nietzsche and Science: The Question of Validity

Chapter 3
On the Ecophysiological Ground of Knowledge: Nietzsche's Epistemology
The Question of Nietzsche's Epistemology: Critique and Ground
The Knower and the Known
The Problem of Knowledge in its Ecophysiological Ground
The Empirical Basis of Transcendent Knowledge
Perspectivalism as Epistemology
Multiplicity as Interpretational Truth: The Metaphysical Fiction of an Absolute
A Note on the Typology of Science and Philosophy: The will to Power
Beyond Truth and Lie

Chapter 4
Under the Optics of Art and Life: Nietzsche and Science
Resumé: The Ecophysiological Ground of Knowledge
Science and Nihilism
Reality and Truth: The Domination of Truth
Science: Reality and Illusion
The Meaning of Nature and Chaos: A Note on Nietzsche's "Chaos sive natura"
Reality and Illusion: The Interpretive Dynamic

Chapter 5
Nietzsche's Genealogy of Science: Morality and the Values of Modernity
The Genealogy of Morals and the Value of Science
The Ascetic Ideal: The Cost of Perpetuation
Ressentiment : Science and Culture
Without Price: The Will to Truth as the Will toLife
Science and Inadequacy
Duplicity: Science and the Ascetic Ideal
The Ascetic Ideal: The Cost of Perpetuation
Science as an Aesthetic Achievement: Méconnaissance
Vesuvius: "Gefährdete Menschen, fruchtbarer Menschen"
Chapter 6
Toward a Perspectival Aesthetics of Truth
A Perspectivalist Philosophy of Science
A Perspectival Aesthetics of Truth
Truth as Illusion
The Illusion of Truth and the Question of the Eternal Feminine
The Aesthetics of Illusion
Creation and Affirmation

Chapter 7
A Dionysian Philosophy: Art in the Light of Life
The Eternal Return of the Same: Interpretation and Will
Ressentiment and Amor Fati
The Perspectival Dominance of Decadence
Dionysian Aesthetic Pessimism
The Troping of the Eternal Return: An Aposematic Aposiopesis
Name Index
Subject Index

Babette E. Babich is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, The College at Lincoln Center.


"The author succeeds in penetrating the cloud of suspicion, incomprehension, and distrust that for contemporary readers surrounds Nietzsche's writing and shows how the most audacious provocateur or nineteenth-century German wissenschaftliche circles, can speak with real insight to our times about our own very contemporary philosophical crises. " — New Nietzsche Studies

"One could argue that the philosophy of science is one of the most important issues in contemporary culture. Babich, looking at the problem through the lens of Nietzsche, argues persuasively that it will not do to try to theorize science on the basis of its own value system, since the result will always be one form or another of self-validation. With Nietzsche's help, she proposes to frame science from the point of view of aesthetics—"science in the light of art"—in order to provide a different, possibly more enlightening perspective on the claims and aspirations of science. I like Babich's tough, at times even racy, rhetoric. " — Clayton Koelb, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"One of the more important issues raised is the assertion that Nietzsche's perspectivism, far from dooming the scientific enterprise, energizes it. Another important claim is that Nietzsche is a proper philosopher because he, like other philosophers, is driven by the desire for knowledge. But the most important claim, the most contentious, and the one that most deserves a hearing and discussion, is the assertion that Nietzsche is a serious philosopher of science. " — Debra Bergoffen, George Mason University

"The author makes a genuinely significant contribution to the dialogue between "science" and "philosophy. " The nuances of her text make it very rich, and the bite of her wit keeps the reader awake throughout. I really enjoyed and appreciated this effort—one of the finest works on Nietzsche that I have read. " — Susan Schoenbohm, University of the South