philoSOPHIA Volume #13, Issue #1-2 (02/2024)

Co-Editors’ Introduction: Going Polyphonic I: With Namita Goswami et al.
Alyson Cole and Kyoo Lee

A Forum on Namita Goswami’s Subjects That Matter

Crises of the Political Imagination: The Aesthetics of Colonial and Planetary Violences
Alfred Frankowski III

Subject to Difference: Heterogeneity, Antagonism, and Coercion
Falguni A. Sheth

The Postcolonial and the Post-Traumatic: Specters and Syndromes of White Feminist Canon
Jennifer Scuro

Heterogeneity Matters: Feminism, Postcolonial Theory, and Ethics in the Archives
Lauren Guilmette

Can the Transsexual Speak?
Luce deLire

Matters of Interest: Difference and Responsibility in Goswami’s Subjects That Matter
Russell Ford

Outside and Outside: Plastic Passages—of Philosophy and Literature
Tyler M. Williams

Repairs Are Pending
Namita Goswami


Moments of Meaning-Making IV: J–L
Mieke Bal

Remedios Varo: The World Beyond
Juliana Gonzalez, trans. Margaret Carson

Going Polyphonic I: With Namita Goswami et al.

Book Review

Janae Sholtz and Cheri Carr, eds., Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism
Jami Weinstein