philoSOPHIA Volume #3, Issue #1 (7/2013)

Table of Contents

(Editors: Elaine Miller, Emily Zakin, Lynne Huffer, and Shannon Winnubst)


Force and Translation; Or, The Polymorphous Body of Language
Elissa Marder

Translation, (Self-)Transformation, and the Power of the Middle
Angelica Nuzzo

Thou Art Translated! The Pull of Flesh and Meaning
Karmen MacKendrick

"More or Less Raped": Foucault, Causality, and Feminist Critiques of Sexual Violence
Kelly H. Ball

Translating Foucault: A Critique of Sexuality for Trauma Survivors
Merritt Rehn-DeBraal

Transgressive Translations: Parrhesia and the Politics of Being Understood
Tim R. Johnston

Book Reviews

Penelope Ingram. The Signifying Body: Toward an Ethics of Sexual and Racial Difference.
Danae McLeod

Tamsin Lorraine. Deleuze and Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, and Duration
Valentine Moulard-Leonard