SUNY series in Ancient Greek Philosophy

Showing 51-64 of 64 titles.
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Analysis and Science in Aristotle

Presents a new interpretation of Aristotle's Analytics (the Prior and Posterior Analytics) as a unified whole, and argues that to "loose up" or solve—rather than to reduce or break up—is the principle meaning which best characterizes the Analytics.

Plato's Craft of Justice

Shows that Plato's middle dialogues develop and extend, rather than reject, philosophical positions taken in the early dialogues.

Aristotle's Theory of Actuality

This is an attack on Aristotle showing that his misplaced drive toward the consistent application of his actualistic ontology (denying the reality of all potential things) resulted in many of his major theses being essentially vacuous.

Finitude and Transcendence in the Platonic Dialogues

This book explains how to read Plato, emphasizing the philosophic importance of the dramatic aspects of the dialogues, and showing that Plato is an ironic thinker and that his irony is deeply rooted in ...

Inventing the Universe

A parallel investigation of both Plato's Timaeusand the contemporary standard Big Bang model of the universe shows that any possible scientific knowledge of the universe is ultimately grounded in irreducible ...

Aristotle's Philosophy of Friendship

Presents the major issues in Aristotle's writings on Friendship.

The Political Dimensions of Aristotle's Ethics

A study in the best tradition of classical scholarship, showing mastery of commentary and scholarship in eight languages, this book argues that the Ethics is integral to a series of politically oriented ...

The Symposium and the Phaedrus

The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach ...

The Masks of Dionysos

The metaphysical center of Plato's work has traditionally been taken to be his Doctrine of Forms; the epistemological center, the Doctrine of Recollection. The Symposium has been viewed as one of the ...

Rhetoric and Reality in Plato's "Phaedrus"

The Phaedrus is well-known for the splendid mythical panorama Socrates develops in his second speech, and for its graphic descriptions of erotic behavior. This book shows how the details of the myth and ...

Aristotle's Physics and Its Medieval Varieties

This book considers the concepts that lay at the heart of natural philosophy and physics from the time of Aristotle until the fourteenth century. The first part presents Aristotelian ideas and the second ...

Two Studies in the Early Academy

This book presents two new interpretations of the evidence regarding the metaphysical ideas of two important figures in Plato's Academy, Eudoxus and Speusippus, and of Aristotle's reaction to those ideas. ...

Pleasure, Knowledge, and Being

Hampton illumines the overall structure of the Philebus. Taking the interrelations of pleasure, knowledge, and being as the keys to understanding the unity of the dialogue, she focuses on the central ...

The Rational Enterprise

"Desjardins' conclusion, that the Theaetetus really does point to a particular theory of knowledge, certainly will be controversial, since for many people the idea that the Theaetetus fails to define ...