Literary Criticism

Showing 201-225 of 304 titles.
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Documents in Crisis

Examines the theory and practice of nonfiction narrative literature in twentieth-century Mexico.

Identity Papers

Argues that debates about Jewish identity and assimilation are signs of creative potential rather than crisis.

Friendship as a Way of Life

Develops Foucault’s late work on friendship into a novel critique of contemporary GLBT political strategy.

Federman's Fictions

Edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Introduction by Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Preface by Charles Bernstein
Afterword by Raymond Federman
Subjects: Literature

A comprehensive examination of one of the twentieth century's most innovative writers and critics.

Blood at the Root

Examines the relationship of lynching to black and white citizenship in the 19th and 20th century U. S. through a focus on historical, visual, cultural, and literary texts.

Antipodal England

Examines Victorian conceptions of home and identity by looking at portrayals and accounts of middle-class emigration to Australia.

Whose Antigone?

By Tina Chanter
Subjects: Philosophy

Argues for the importance of the neglected theme of slavery in Antigone.

Reading Human Nature

Showcases the latest developments in literary Darwinism, a powerful approach that integrates evolutionary social science with literary humanism.

Other Others

Looks at literary works from outside the Judeo-Christian tradition to test Levinas's notion of "the Other. "

Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment

Provocative reinterpretation of Plato's Symposium.

Terror and Irish Modernism

Presents a new genealogy and synoptic overview of modern Irish fiction.

Policing Narratives and the State of Terror

Examines the recent “War on Terror” and the increasing privatization of international policing through the lens of detective fiction and security and espionage narratives.

Anachronism and Its Others

Traces the origins of contemporary analogies between queerness and blackness.

Native Authenticity

A survey of current critical perspectives on how North American indigenous peoples are viewed and represented transnationally.

Representing Segregation

Examines racial segregation in literature and the cultural legacy of the Jim Crow era.

Byromania and the Birth of Celebrity Culture

Argues that Byron’s popularity marked the beginning of celebrity as a cultural identity.

Cuban-American Literature and Art

Explores how Cuban Americans negotiate bicultural identities through cultural production.

Caribbean Genesis

Philosophical exploration of Jamaica Kincaid’s entire literary oeuvre.

Belonging Too Well

Shows how Ozick’s characters attempt to mediate a complex Jewish identity, one that bridges the differences between traditional Judaism and secular American culture.

The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature

Looks at Buddhist influences in American literature and how literature has shaped the reception of Buddhism in North America.

Vampire God

By Mary Y. Hallab
Subjects: Literature

Examines the enormous popular appeal of vampires from early Greek and Slavic folklore to present-day popular culture.

Womanist Forefathers

Traces a lineage of pro-feminist black men to two early radical proponents of female equality.

The Suffering Will Not Be Televised

Explores how the suffering of African American women has been minimized and obscured in U.S. culture.

Materializing Queer Desire

Uses iconic dandy and queer figures to explore relationships between homosexuality, modernism, and modernity.