
Showing 1-6 of 6 titles.
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Literature and Skepticism

Examines the skeptical foundations of literature in order to reassess the status of fiction.

The Space of Disappearance

Examines the evolution of disappearance as a formal narrative and epistemological phenomenon in late twentieth-century Argentine fiction.

By the Breath of Their Mouths

Examines the liberating power of speech and its influence on generations of Italian American writers.

Where We Find Ourselves

Explores the universal longing for home, illuminated through the essays, poetry, and fiction of forty Jewish women writers from around the world.

Performative Criticism

By Gerry Brenner
Subjects: Literature

Genre-bending experiments that appropriate, impersonate, and speak through already-created literary characters in order to offer fresh interpretations of well-known literary works.

The Dream and the Text

This book partakes of a long tradition of dream interpretation, but, at the same time, is unique in its cross-cultural and interdisciplinary methods and in its mix of theoretical and analytical approaches. ...