Writing With

New Directions in Collaborative Teaching, Learning, and Research

Edited by Sally Barr Reagan, Thomas Fox, and David Bleich

Subjects: Communication
Series: SUNY series, Feminist Theory in Education
Paperback : 9780791418420, 311 pages, July 1994
Hardcover : 9780791418413, 311 pages, July 1994

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Table of contents


Introduction. Writing With: Toward New Identities for Students and Teachers
Thomas Fox, David Bleich, and Sally Barr Reagan

Part I: Ideology, Society, University

1. Revising the Myth of the Independent Scholar
Patricia A. Sullivan

2. Collaboration for a Change: Collaborative Learning and Social Action
Marilyn M. Cooper, Diana George, and Susan Sanders

3. The Right to Write a Co-Authored Manuscript
Judith Entes

4. The Making of a Book: A Collaboration of Writing, Responding, and Revising
Virginia R. Monseau, Jeanne M. Gerlach, and Lisa J. McClure

5. The Institutional Agenda, Collaboration, and Writing Assessment
Deborah H. Holdstein

Part II: The Classroom: Difference, Conflict, Contact

6. Conflict as Opportunity in Collaborative Praxis
Thia Wolf

7. Race and Gender in Collaborative Learning
Thomas Fox

8. On Writing Groups, Class, and Culture: Studying Oral and Literate Language Features in Writing
Victor Villanueva, Jr.

9. Community and Communitas: Collaboration in an Adult ESL Class
Judith Rodby

10. A Melting Pot of Brains?: Metaphors for Collaboration and Diversity
Sheila Kennedy, Richard Marback, and Ellen McManus

11. Extended Collaboration
David Bleich

12. Collaborative Learning in the Graduate Classroom
Sally Barr Reagan

13. Oral Collaboration, Computers, and Revision
Jane Zeni

14. Speaking of Writing: When Teacher and Student Collaborate
Melanie Sperling

15. Breaking Boundaries, Solving Problems, Giving Gifts: Student Empowerment in Small Group Work
Rebecca Bell-Metereau

16. Collaboration and World View
Mary Ann Latimer and Pamela Spoto

17. New Discourse City: An Alternative Model for Collaboration
Susan Miller

Author and Title Index

Subject Index


This collection of essays on diverse issues in collaborative work illuminates the next direction for the study and practice of collaboration in classrooms and research projects. The essays probe more deeply than any previous work into the political, social, and individual psychologies of students, teachers, and researchers working together. Beginning with a critique of the ideology of individualism, the authors treat classroom issues at all levels from middle school through graduate school. Advocating an affirmative philosophy of collaboration, the authors attempt to understand both its shortcomings and its successes, as illustrated in many examples of essays and comments written by students in collaborative projects.

Sally Reagan is Professor in the Department of English at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. Thomas Fox is Professor in the Department of English at California State University at Chico. David Bleich is Professor in the Department of English at the University of Rochester.


"I like the range and variety of different perspectives and voices that emerge chapter by chapter. I very much like the overall political thrust of the book…politically and theoretically it is consistent and strong. The position is well articulated and a strong argument builds as one progresses through the chapters to the end. " — Esther Sokolov Fine, York University