SUNY series, Simone Weil Studies

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Discussions of Simone Weil

A distinguished discussion of Weil's views on social philosophy, science, ethics, and religion.

Simone Weil

Situates Weil’s writing within the French literary tradition, and recognizes her as a master stylist.

The Redemption of Tragedy

Simone Weil's supernaturalist interpretations of tragedy challenge not only the philosophical skepticism but also the religious rationalism characteristic of the modern age.

This book boldly points out ...

The Religious Metaphysics of Simone Weil

Simone Weil is one of the major religious writers of the twentieth century. Hers is a unique blend of spiritual experience, social concern, and philosophical theory. She had marvelous command of the Western ...

Spirit, Nature and Community

This book covers the main aspects of Simone Weil's thought, drawing on her life where it is relevant for understanding her ideas. It is the fruit of many years engagement with scholars and scholarship ...