SUNY series in Political Theory: Contemporary Issues

Showing 26-29 of 29 titles.
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Person and Polis

Martin Heidegger cited him as "the most potent philosophical power . .. in all of contemporary philosophy. " Ortega y Gasset called him "the first man of genius, the Adam of the new Paradise. " Writing ...

Tradition, Interpretation, and Science

This book reassesses the academic field of political theory and brings into sharp relief its problems and opportunities. Here for the first time, diverse theorists coordinate their arguments through a ...

Democratic Theories and the Constitution

Although the government of the United States is traditionally viewed as a democracy, there is considerable disagreement about what democracy means and implies. In a comprehensive study Professor Edelman ...

What Should Political Theory Be Now?

Confronted with the alienation of political theory from the practice of politics, prominent theorists respond in this book to the growing question: What should political theory be now? New and original ...