Asian Studies

Showing 326-332 of 332 titles.
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Cities of Jiangnan in Late Imperial China

This book examines cities of the Jiangnan region of south-central China between the twelfth and nineteenth centuries, an area considered to be the model of a successfully developing regional economy. ...

Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Society

"Only women and inferior men are difficult to deal with." — Confucius

Two thousand years after Confucius, the contributors to this book ask if Chinese women have succeeded in changing their status as ...

Law and Morality in Ancient China

Huang-Lao thought, a unique and sophisticated political philosophy which combines elements of Daoism and Legalism, dominated the intellectual life of late Warring States and Early Han China, providing ...

Chinese Democracy and the Crisis of 1989

This study examines the process of democratization in China, taking as a focal point the recent crisis of 1989 in Tiananmen Square, but providing broader historical perspectives from both Chinese and ...

Ancient Sichuan and the Unification of China

Recent archaeological finds in China have made possible a reconstruction of the ancient history of Sichuan, the country's most populous province. Excavated artifacts and new recovered texts now supplement ...

The Aphorisms of Śiva

The Shiva Sutra was revealed to Vasugupta by Shiva in order to counter the effects of dualism. This revelation initiated the hermeneutics of syntheses and exegesis climaxed by the great Abhinavagupta. ...

Policing in Japan

An observational study of the Japanese detective.