Religion and Spirituality

Showing 701-725 of 961 titles.
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The Contemporary Jesus

Integrates a contemporary understanding of Jesus with the most powerful, imaginative visions of Jesus in philosophy, literature, and religion.

The Only Tradition

Examines the first principles of the perennial philosophy or ancient wisdom tradition as expressed in the writings of its great exponents, Rene Guenon and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, and offers a critique of the West from the standpoint of traditional principles.

Recognizing Reality

Examines the central ideas of Dharmakirti, one of the most important Indian Buddhist philosophers and their reception by Tibetan thinkers.

Textual Bodies

Illustrates changing definitions of bodily limits, integrity, transgression, sexuality, and violation in the history of the Western canon.

Reflection on Whitehead's Philosophical Theology

Explores the philosophical theology of Alfred North Whitehead.

Thomas Aquinas's Earliest Treatment of the Divine Essence

Thomas Aquinas’s earliest major treatment of God’s simplicity.

Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece

A remarkable spiritual testimony, this complete transcription of Florence Nightingale's hitherto-unpublished diary (recorded during visits to Egypt and Greece in 1850) reveals the troubled period during which she finally realized that the answer to her call from God lay in service to humanity.

Negation, Subjectivity, and The History of Rhetoric

Examines the principles of historiography that are generally applied to writing what we call "The History of Rhetoric." Focusing on the Sophists Gorgias and Isocrates, and on how each has been received and refigured by historians, the book moves beyond these approaches to postmodernist ones.

The Pheasant Cap Master (He guan zi)

This first book-length study in English explores the long neglected ancient Chinese treatise: the Pheasant Cap Master or He guan zi (3rd century B.C.).

Holy Men and Holy Women

This is a collection of essays on the literature of "saints' lives" in Anglo-Saxon literature.

Critical Reflections on the Paranormal

Collection of essays that clarifies and evaluates the various aspects of paranormal phenomena, including telepathy, psychokinesis, trance-mediumship, near-death experiences and past-life memories.

The Johannine World

Argues that the Fourth Gospel has “political dimensions” which offer both meaning and challenge to contemporary Christians.

Because It Gives Me Peace of Mind

Explores the history and nature of vrats (ritual fasts) in text and practice, and the roles these rites play in the lives of Hindu women in North India.

Liberating Intimacy

Liberating Intimacy dramatically reevaluates the teachings and practice of Ch'an Buddhism. Considering Buddha's insight that everything is empty or absent of a permanent and independent "self nature," ...

Applying the Canon in Islam

Argues how the notion of "canon" is used to authorize and maintain certain types of interpretive reasoning and the social institutions that employ them.

The Dream of an Absolute Language

Traces the reception of Swedenborg's doctrine of "correspondences" in French literature and culture from the late 1700s to 1870.

Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft

Provides an overview of neo-paganism from the Goddess to magic and rituals, from history and ethics to the relationship of neo-paganism to Christianity.

Images of Women in Maharashtrian Literature and Religion

The essays investigate the images of women and femininity found in the traditions of the Marathi language region of India, Maharashtra, and how these images contradict the actualities of women's lives. ...

Living Liberation in Hindu Thought

This book is about the state of embodied perfection often called enlightenment, self-realization, or liberation. It examines the types, degrees, and stages of liberation that are possible, with and without a body.

Engaged Buddhism

This is the first comprehensive coverage of socially and politically engaged Buddhism in Asia, presenting the historical development and institutional forms of engaged Buddhism in the light of traditional Buddhist conceptions of morality, interdependence, and liberation.

Holiness in Words

A strategy for reading Heschel's major works, as well as a new route to understanding religious writing in general: a lucid study of modern religious and ethical thought using literary criticism.

Praises to a Formless God

Discusses and translates important compositions by famous Nirguni poets--poets dedicated to the worship of a formless God.

Dōgen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community

Presents a complete, annotated translation of Dogen's writing on Zen monasticism and the spirit of community practice. Dogen (1200-1253) is Japan's greatest Zen master.

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World

A systematic treatment of the religious, intellectual, cultural, and social foundations of the Islamic resurgence in the modern Arab world that is grounded in the larger context of Arab and Islamic intellectual history.

Population, Consumption, and the Environment

Shows how the major world religions view the environmental problems of over population and excess resource consumption, and how they approach possible solutions.