Religion and Spirituality

Showing 726-750 of 969 titles.
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Images of Women in Maharashtrian Literature and Religion

The essays investigate the images of women and femininity found in the traditions of the Marathi language region of India, Maharashtra, and how these images contradict the actualities of women's lives. ...

Living Liberation in Hindu Thought

This book is about the state of embodied perfection often called enlightenment, self-realization, or liberation. It examines the types, degrees, and stages of liberation that are possible, with and without a body.

Engaged Buddhism

This is the first comprehensive coverage of socially and politically engaged Buddhism in Asia, presenting the historical development and institutional forms of engaged Buddhism in the light of traditional Buddhist conceptions of morality, interdependence, and liberation.

Holiness in Words

A strategy for reading Heschel's major works, as well as a new route to understanding religious writing in general: a lucid study of modern religious and ethical thought using literary criticism.

Praises to a Formless God

Discusses and translates important compositions by famous Nirguni poets--poets dedicated to the worship of a formless God.

Dōgen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community

Presents a complete, annotated translation of Dogen's writing on Zen monasticism and the spirit of community practice. Dogen (1200-1253) is Japan's greatest Zen master.

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World

A systematic treatment of the religious, intellectual, cultural, and social foundations of the Islamic resurgence in the modern Arab world that is grounded in the larger context of Arab and Islamic intellectual history.

Population, Consumption, and the Environment

Shows how the major world religions view the environmental problems of over population and excess resource consumption, and how they approach possible solutions.

Creativity and God

This book is a sympathetic critique of process theology with responses to the arguments addressed by leading thinkers.

The Throne Carrier of God

This book constitutes a comprehensive investigation of the life and teachings of one of the most famous Sufis of the Iranian world. Simnānī spent his early life as a courtier at the Ilkhanid Mongol ...

Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance

This is a survey of the Ismaili Muslim traditions and a translation of many Santpanth Ismaili Ginans (hymns.)

Initiates of Theosophical Masters

Examines the careers of the most distinguishes disciples of the Theosophical Masters profiled in The Masters Revealed, including George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Alexandra David-Neel, Anagarika Dharmapala, and Isabelle Eberhardt.

America's Alternative Religions

This is a source of reliable information on the most important new and alternative religions covering history, theology, impact on the culture, and current status. It includes a chapter on the Branch Davidians.

What Number Is God?

This book uses modern mathematical metaphors to better understand religion and philosophy.

Religion and Spirituality

Through the skillful use of a great variety of literary genres, this book explores the intimate relation and tension between religion and spirituality, evoking a wide range of responses that may awaken ...

On Losing the Soul

This book introduces the notion of the soul and explores some of the indications, causes, and consequences for its being missing, especially in discussions of individuality.

The Spiritual Writings of Amir ʿAbd al-Kader

A selection of writings by a great nineteenth-century Sufi Shaikh in the direct lineage of Ibn 'Arabi.

From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism

This book clarifies the relationship between God and the creation for Gaudapada, Bhartrhari, and Shankara, and by doing so, demonstrates a major continuity of thought from Gaudapada through Bhartrhari to Abhinavagupta and Kashmir Shaivism.

Culture in Action

By examining how Hindu men talk about marriage and family, this book shows how culture reinforces male dominance in Hindu society.

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 28

The initial years (126-145) of al-Manṣūr's reign presented several significant challenges to nascent ʿAbbāsid hegemony, and the resulting confrontations constitute the central focus of this section ...

The Brotherhood of the Common Life and Its Influence

This book presents a lost tradition of inner work, the way of the householder, which was believed by the Brotherhood of Common Life to have been the teaching of the Apostles. It focuses on the emergence, ...

A Word Fitly Spoken

This book compares New Testament and Rabbinical texts in order to recover the oral tradition accompanying the written Biblical text. Although New Testament Greek is a hellenistic idiom, it reflects a ...

Before Revelation

Studies the development of Muslim jurisprudential and theological thought by analyzing the dispute that raged from the ninth to the nineteenth century over the assessment of acts that took place before the Qur'anic Revelation.

India's Agony Over Religion

Presents the contemporary religious crisis in India, providing historical perspective and focusing on the crises in Punjab, Kashmir, and Ayodhya.

The Redemption of Tragedy

Simone Weil's supernaturalist interpretations of tragedy challenge not only the philosophical skepticism but also the religious rationalism characteristic of the modern age.

This book boldly points out ...