Religion and Spirituality

Showing 801-825 of 969 titles.
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The Life And Teachings Of Sai Baba Of Shirdi

A vast and diversified religious movement originating from Sai Baba of Shirdi, is often referred to as "the Sai Baba movement. " Through the chronological presentation of Sai Baba's life, light is shed ...

The Golden Fleece and Alchemy

This book traces the Golden Fleece myth from late paganism through medieval and Renaissance alchemical and masonic interpretations. We follow the changing fashions in the history of initiation as well ...

Purāṇa Perennis

In this volume, leading American, European, and Indian scholars including John E. Cort, Friedhelm Hardy, Padmanabh S. Jaini, Laurie L. Patton, A. K. Ramanujan, Velcheru Narayana Rao, and David Shulman ...

Non-Causal Theory of Justice in Rumi's Work

Presenting eleven of Soroush’s essays, available in English for the first time.

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 31

This section of the History of al-Ṭabarī covers the caliphate of Muḥammad al-Amīn, who succeeded his father, Hārūn al-Rashīd on March 24, 809, and was killed on September 25, 813.

The focus of ...

The Protestant Presence in Twentieth-Century America

Protestantism has undergone a shift in its relationship with American culture and politics. This book analyzes and evaluates that shift. The author shows how Protestantism began in America as a vibrant ...

In the Mirror of Memory

This book studies the diverse array of species of memory in Buddhism. Contributors focus on a particular school, group of texts, terms, or practices and identify a considerable range of types of mnemonic ...

The Stanzas on Vibration

In his Doctrine of Vibration, the author presents a synthesis of Kashmir Shaivism—an overview with Spanda as the central theme. Spanda is the vibratory dynamism of the absolute consciousness. In this ...

Auspicious Wisdom

Rooting itself in Kashmir Shaivism, Śrividyā became a force in South India no later than the seventh century, and eventually supplanted the Trika as the dominant Tantric tradition in Kashmir. This is ...

Derrida and Negative Theology

This book explores the thought of Jacques Derrida as it relates to the tradition of apophatic thought—negative theology and philosophy—in both Western and Eastern traditions. Following the Introduction ...

The Eternal Food

The interdisciplinary approaches presented here investigate food in India and Sri Lanka for its wide ranging cultural meaning and uses. The authors examine food in religious and literary contexts, where ...

In Search of the Dharma

This is the first and only book in English on modern Chinese Buddhism written by a practicing Chinese monk. Chen-hua provides a rare eyewitness account of Chinese monastic life and Buddhist practices ...

The Precious Pearl

In this book al-Jami examines questions that Islamic theologians, philosophers, and Sufis had long debated. On each question al-Jami first presents the views of the philosphers and theologians. He then ...

Tibetan Buddhism

This volume consists of eight studies, each one bringing to light new material of use to comparative religionists and historians of religion, as well as to students of Tibetan Buddhism. These studies ...

The Inside Story

This book explores what is meant by claims of religious understanding and truth. It argues that at the end of the twentieth century we are undergoing a revolution in our thinking about ourselves and our ...

A Dose of Emptiness

This book is an annotated translation of one of the great Tibetan classics of Mahayana Buddhist thought, mKhas grub rje's sTong thun chen mo. The text is a detailed critical exposition of the theory and ...

The Classical Tibetan Language

Among Asian languages, Tibetan is second only to Chinese in the depth of its historical record, with texts dating back as far as the eighth and ninth centuries, written in an alphabetic script that preserves ...

Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism

This book illustrates the extent to which we can understand the writings of the leading tantricas whose views regarding the universe and enlightenment developed from ritual practice and yoga. Contributors ...


A comprehensive introduction to Islam.

Qurʾan and Its Interpreters, The, Volume II

Using commentaries from the classical period through the medieval and modern periods to the present, this book presents the Qur'an as Muslims have understood it and interiorized it throughout its rich ...

Eternal Garden

Reveals the mystical teachings and practices of the Chishti Sufi order as taught by the ecstatic Shaykh Burhan al-Din Gharib (d. 1337) and his disciples.

The Tao of Islam

The Tao of Islam is a rich and diverse anthology of Islamic teachings on the nature of the relationships between God and the world, the world and the human being, and the human being and God. Focusing ...

God the Creator

God the Creator provides a detailed exposition of a conception of God as the creator of everything determinate. It does not defend an established conception such as the Thomist, the Calvinist, or the ...