Comparative Religion

Showing 51-63 of 63 titles.
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Traditional and Modern Approaches to the Environment on the Pacific Rim

Edited by Harold Coward
Foreword by Maurice Strong
Subjects: Environmental Studies

An interdisciplinary exploration of the tension between traditional and modern approaches to the environment in Pacific Rim countries.

The Construction of Orthodoxy and Heresy

Presents the first systematic and cross-cultural examination of ideas of orthodoxy and heresy in a group of major religious traditions.

The Only Tradition

Examines the first principles of the perennial philosophy or ancient wisdom tradition as expressed in the writings of its great exponents, Rene Guenon and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, and offers a critique of the West from the standpoint of traditional principles.

Negation, Subjectivity, and The History of Rhetoric

Examines the principles of historiography that are generally applied to writing what we call "The History of Rhetoric." Focusing on the Sophists Gorgias and Isocrates, and on how each has been received and refigured by historians, the book moves beyond these approaches to postmodernist ones.

Population, Consumption, and the Environment

Shows how the major world religions view the environmental problems of over population and excess resource consumption, and how they approach possible solutions.

A Word Fitly Spoken

This book compares New Testament and Rabbinical texts in order to recover the oral tradition accompanying the written Biblical text. Although New Testament Greek is a hellenistic idiom, it reflects a ...

Before Revelation

Studies the development of Muslim jurisprudential and theological thought by analyzing the dispute that raged from the ninth to the nineteenth century over the assessment of acts that took place before the Qur'anic Revelation.

Religious Dialectics of Pain and Imagination

This book explores the possibility of a "liberatory postmodern rhetoric" or, alternatively, a "postmodern liberation rhetoric. " The author turns to one of the most ancient disciplines, rhetoric, in order ...

Fundamentalism, Mythos, and World Religions

Fundamentalism is widely feared and its influence is growing in many of the major world faiths. Arising in reaction against modernism, fundamentalism affirms a pre-Enlightenment paradigm in a post-Enlightenment ...

Mysticism Examined

Mysticism presents a challenge to anyone who is interested in fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, and how we should live. In this book the author examines questions posed by ...

In the Mirror of Memory

This book studies the diverse array of species of memory in Buddhism. Contributors focus on a particular school, group of texts, terms, or practices and identify a considerable range of types of mnemonic ...