Religion and Politics

Showing 26-35 of 35 titles.
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Freedom, Faith, and Dogma

By V. S. Soloviev
Edited and translated by Vladimir Wozniuk
Introduction by Vladimir Wozniuk
Subjects: Religion And Spirituality

A collection of works by nineteenth-century Russian religious philosopher V. S. Soloviev, critic of secularization, anti-Semitism, and the religious life of his time.

Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount

Examines radical and messianic movements in Israel seeking to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

Religion and Democracy in Taiwan

A meticulous study of various Taiwanese religions and their relationships with democratic values and behaviors.

Sin, Sex, and Democracy

Explores the Christian Right’s use of tailored rhetorics to advance multiple and varied antigay political projects.

The Twenty-first Century Confronts Its Gods

Maintains that the secular West has its gods—such as market capitalism—and that veneration of these contributes to the cultural and religious unrest of our time.

Solidarity and Suffering

Developing a concept of justice as solidarity, this work addresses a range of urgent social issues--from the meaning of human rights and the character of corporate governance to the resolution of social conflict and the moral status of the environment.

India's Agony Over Religion

Presents the contemporary religious crisis in India, providing historical perspective and focusing on the crises in Punjab, Kashmir, and Ayodhya.

Bhakti Religion in North India

In India, religion continues to be an absolutely vital source for social as well as personal identity. All manner of groups--political, occupational, and social--remain grounded in specific religious ...

Religious Regimes and State Formation

This book intends to systematically overcome the received practice of treating religion and politics as wholly separate and independent domains. It studies power and meaning in their "antagonistic interdependencies" ...

Religious Resurgence and Politics in the Contemporary World

This book examines the highly politicized religious groups and movements that have surfaced since the late 1970s in the United States, Central America, South Africa, the Philippines, India, and the Middle ...