Sociology of Women

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It Hurts Down There

Tracks the medical emergence and treatment of vulvar pain conditions in order to understand why so many US women are misinformed about their sexual bodies.

Defending Women's Rights in Europe

Comparative analysis of gender equality reforms enacted in ten post-communist states who became members of the European Union.

Living on Your Own

An ethnography of young, single women struggling to live independently in South Korea.

Imagining Black Womanhood

Examines how Black girls and women negotiate and resist dominant stereotypes in the context of an Afrocentric youth organization for at-risk girls in the Bay Area.

The Culture of Teenage Mothers

By Joanna Gregson
Subjects: Sociology

Explores teen mothers’ perceptions of their situations and the social stigma that affects them.

Governing the Female Body

A feminist and Foucauldian analysis of a variety of emerging gendered discourses.

The Anorexic Self

Critically examines diagnostic and popular discourses on eating disorders.

Heads above Water

An in-depth exploration of women's lives after a natural disaster.