Critical Theory and Educational Research

Edited by Peter L. McLaren & James M. Giarelli

Subjects: Critical Theory
Series: SUNY series, Teacher Empowerment and School Reform
Paperback : 9780791423684, 332 pages, March 1995
Hardcover : 9780791423677, 332 pages, March 1995

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Table of contents

Yvonna S. Lincoln

Thomas Popkewitz

Introduction: Critical Theory and Educational Research
Peter L. McLaren and James M. Giarelli

1. Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity
Henry A. Giroux

2. Michael Foucault and the Discourse of Education
David M.  Jones and Stephen J. Ball

3. Forms of Ideology-Critique: A Pedagogical Perspective
Nicholas C. Burbules

4. Meet Me behind the Curtain: The Struggle for a Critical Postmodern Action Research
Joe Kincheloe

5. Some Notes on Power, Agenda, and Voice: A Researcher's Personal Evolution toward Critical Collaborative Research
Margaret D. LeCompte

6. Ethnography and the Politics of Absence
Ronald G. Sultana

7. Remembering and Representing Life Choices: A Critical Perspective on Teachers' Oral History Narratives
Kathleen Weiler

8. Feminist Educational Research and the Issue of Critical Sufficiency
Lynda Stone

9. The Discourse of the Urban School and the Formation of a Therapeutic Complex
David M. Jones

10. Pragmatic Binary Oppositions and Intersubjectivity in an Illegally Occupied School
Phil Carspecken

11. Constructing the "Other": Discursive Renditions of White Working-Class Males in High School
Lois Weis

12. Reflections of a Critical Theorist in the Soviet Union: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Uncertain Times
Wendy Kohli

13. Participatory Action Research and Popular Education in Latin America
Carols Alberto Torres

14. We Can Reinvent the World
Paulo Freire and Moacir Gadotti

15. Collisions with Otherness: "Traveling" Theory, Postcolonial Criticism, and the Politics of Ethnographic Practice--The Mission of the Wounded Ethnographer
Peter L. McLaren

Afterword: Some Reflections on 'Empowerment'
Colin Lankshear


Name Index

Subject Index

Applies European critical theory to North American educational research.


The contributors to this anthology bring North American research traditions into conversation with the latest advances in French, German, British, and Latin American schools of social thought. Challenging the very precepts of many empirical and analytical approaches to understanding educational phenomena, this collection of essays is indispensable for educators wishing to understand present philosophical debates.

The future of educational research in the United States will largely depend on how teachers and researchers deal with the urgent issues raised in this timely and iconoclastic book.

Peter L. McLaren is Professor at the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. James M. Giarelli is Professor at the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University.


"These essays suggest, indeed insist, that we rediscover, even reinvent, our self-images as researchers, our practices of research, and our ideas of the aims of inquiry. They present models, ideas, examples, and theories to prod that reflexivity, but have no interest in offering the false solace of method. Where emancipation is the interest, all methods give way to dialogue. These essays stand on the hope, the basic belief, that such dialogue is possible and invite your participation. " — from the Introduction by Peter L. McLaren and James M. Giarelli