Hegel's Recollection

A Study of Images in the Phenomenology of Spirit

By Donald Phillip Verene

Subjects: Phenomenology
Series: SUNY series in Hegelian Studies
Paperback : 9780887060120, 162 pages, June 1985
Hardcover : 9780887060113, 162 pages, June 1985

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Table of contents


Citations in Text

1 Introduction: Hegel's Imagination

2 The Method of In-itself

3 Das Meinen, "Meaning"

4 The Topsy-turvy World

5 Masterhood and Servitude

6 The Unhappy Consciousness

7 Phrenology

8 Two Forms of Defective Selfhood: The Spiritual Animal Kingdom and the Beautiful Soul

9 Religion versus Absolute Knowing

10 Epilogue

Appendix: Hegel's Titles and Contents




Donald Phillip Verene has advanced a completely new reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. He shows that the philosophic meaning of this work depends as much on Hegel's use of metaphor and image as it does on Hegel's dialectical and discursive descriptions of various stages of consciousness. The focus is on Hegel's concept of recollection (Erinnerung). Consciousness confronts itself with the aim of achieving absolute knowing.

This is the first commentary to regard metaphor, irony, and memory as keys to the understanding of Hegel's basic philosophical position.

Donald Phillip Verene is the author of Vico's Science of Imagination and is editor of Symbol, Myth and Culture: Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer 1935-1945, and editor of Hegel's Social and Political Thought, among other works. He is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Emory University.