SUNY series in Philosophy and Biology

Showing 26-35 of 35 titles.
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Sociobiology, Sex, and Science

This book examines sociobiology's validity and significance, using the sociobiological theory of the evolution of mating and parenting as an example. It identifies and discusses the array of factors that ...

History and Evolution

The studies of evolutionary biology and of human history face the same kinds of problems and deal with the same processes. Both disciplines deal with similar questions in similar ways, but do the methods ...

The Sociobiological Imagination

This book presents reports on the uses of sociobiology and general evolutionary theory by members of diverse disciplines: psychiatry, law, management theory, anthropology, economics, primatology, history, ...

Evolutionary Epistemology and its Implications for Humankind

This books aims to outline the scientific (biological) foundations of evolutionary epistemology, and to discuss its implications for humankind. Wuketits covers all aspects of evolutionary epistemology, ...

Issues in Evolutionary Epistemology

This book provides the fullest philosophical examination of theories of evolutionary epistemology now available. Here for the first time are found major statements of new theories, new applications, and ...

Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought

Here, Western environmental philosophers and some of our most distinguished representatives of Asian and comparative philosophy critically consider what Asia has to offer.

The first section provides an ...

The Structure of Biological Theories

The central thesis of this book is that the semantic conception is a logical methodologically and heuristically richer and more accurate account of scientific theorizing, and in particular of theorizing ...

In Defense of the Land Ethic

In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy brings into a single volume J. Baird Callicott's decade-long effort to articulate, defend, and extend the seminal environmental philosophy ...

Philosophy of Biology Today

This short and highly accessible volume opens up the subject of the philosophy of biology to professionals and to students in both disciplines. The text covers briefly and clearly all of the pertinent ...