Asian Religion and Philosophy

Showing 76-100 of 162 titles.
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Women and Confucianism in Chosǒn Korea

A new, multifaceted look at Korean women during a period of strong Confucian ideology.

Visions of Unity

Presents the thought of a controversial Tibetan Buddhist thinker on the Yogācāra and Madhyamaka systems.

This-Worldly Nibbāna

A Buddhist feminist social ethics for contemporary times.

Hinduism as a Missionary Religion

Reconsiders whether Hinduism can be considered a missionary religion.

Mortality in Traditional Chinese Thought

A wide-ranging exploration of traditional Chinese views of mortality.

Riding the Wind with Liezi

New attention and fresh perspectives on the classic, but neglected, text of Daoism, the Liezi.

Engaging South Asian Religions

Looks at Western understandings of South Asian religions and indigenous responses from pre-colonial to contemporary times.

Korean Buddhist Nuns and Laywomen

Explores the roles of Korean Buddhist nuns and laywomen from the Koryo period to the present.

Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art

Explores how Xu Bing and other contemporary Chinese artists use Western ideas within a Chinese cultural discourse.

Confucianism in Context

A wide-ranging consideration of Confucianism for Western readers.

Interpretation and Literature in Early Medieval China

Explores the new literary and interpretive milieu that emerged in the years following the decline of China’s Han dynasty.

Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously

A consideration of Confucian ethics as a living ethical tradition with contemporary relevance.

Invoking Lakshmi

A multi-faceted portrait of Lakshmi, Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. Includes translations of verses used to invoke this goddess.

One Religion Too Many

Enlightening encounters with the world's religions from a Hindu perspective.

Sacred Play

Explores the significance of levity and humor in South Asian religious traditions.

Methodologies of Comparative Philosophy

A much-needed consideration of methodology in comparative philosophy.

The End of Comparative Philosophy and the Task of Comparative Thinking

A work of and about comparative philosophy that stresses the importance of language in intercultural endeavors.

Taiwan's Buddhist Nuns

Explores the milieu of Taiwan’s Buddhist nuns, who have the greatest numbers in the Buddhist world and a prominent place in their own country.

Makers of Modern Korean Buddhism

An overview of Korean Buddhism and its major figures in the modern period.

The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia

A wide-ranging, readable account of the Theravada Buddhist thought and practice in the Southeast Asian societies of Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.

Buddhism and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka

Looks at how a spiritual tradition can be appropriated by those involved in ethno-nationalist conflict.

Rorty, Pragmatism, and Confucianism

An engagement between Confucianism and the philosophy of Richard Rorty.

Yasodharā, the Wife of the Bōdhisattva

Translations of two works from Sri Lanka on Yasodharā, the wife of the Buddha—an allusive and intriguing figure in Buddhist lore and literature.

Nirvana for Sale?

Explores the relationship between material prosperity and spirituality in contemporary Thai Buddhism.