
Showing 201-225 of 1583 titles.
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Theosophy across Boundaries

Offers a new approach to Theosophy that takes into account its global dimensions and its interaction with highly diverse cultural contexts.

The Aesthetic Clinic

Examines experimental art and literature by women alongside psychoanalysis and philosophy to develop a new understanding of sublimation and aesthetic experience.

Buddhist Literature as Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy as Literature

Explores the relationship between literature and philosophy in classical and contemporary Buddhist texts.

Religion within the Limits of History Alone

Shows that pragmatic historicism is a significant intellectual tradition in the history of American religious and philosophical thought.

John Dewey's Later Logical Theory

A study of the development of Dewey's logic from 1916-1937 leading up to his final 1938 book on the subject.

Human Beings or Human Becomings?

Argues that Confucianism and other East Asian philosophical traditions can be resources for understanding and addressing current global challenges such as climate change and hunger.

Édouard Glissant, Philosopher

By Alexandre Leupin
Translated by Andrew Brown
Subjects: Philosophy

Translation of Alexandre Leupin’s award-winning study of Édouard Glissant’s entire work in relation to philosophy.

Civilization and Barbarism

Challenges the established corrections paradigm and argues for replacing mass incarceration with a viable and more humane alternative.


A study of novelty through analyses of the language of announcement in revolutionary texts.

Carl Schmitt between Technological Rationality and Theology

Situates Schmitt's legal scholarship in the context of debates regarding whether his thought was more theological or technocratic.

The World after the End of the World

Examines themes of loss and mourning in the late work of Derrida.

American Aesthetics

Proposes a distinctly American approach to aesthetic judgment and practice.

Adult Life

Drawing from philosophy and psychology, offers a clear and compelling interpretation of what it means to be an adult.

Suffrage and Its Limits

Reflects on the legacy and limits of suffrage in New York State as a way to understand present-day issues with women's social and political rights, as well proposes ideas for future progress.


A comprehensive discussion of an important but elusive Lacanian concept within the field of psychoanalysis, as well as its relevance for philosophy, literature, gender, and queer studies.

The Historical Mind

Timely and provocative asessment of various cultural, moral, and political problems in "post-constitutional" America.

Thinking Faith after Christianity

Examines theological motifs in the work of Jan Patočka, drawing out their implications for contemporary theology and philosophy of religion.


Offers an interdisciplinary investigation of affectivity in various forms of life.

Merleau-Ponty at the Gallery

A study of the significance of the visual arts in Merleau-Ponty's aesthetics in relation to the work of five artists not known or discussed by him.

The Space of Disappearance

Examines the evolution of disappearance as a formal narrative and epistemological phenomenon in late twentieth-century Argentine fiction.

Leo Strauss and the Theopolitics of Culture

This archive-based study of the philosophy of Leo Strauss provides in-depth interpretations of key texts and their larger theoretical contexts.

Time in Exile

Proposes a theoretically rich treatment of temporality within exile as "gerundive" time.

Image and Argument in Plato's Republic

Argues that images are at the heart of the dialogue’s philosophical argumentation.

The Voice of Misery

A systematic study of testimony rooted in contemporary continental philosophy and drawing on literary case studies.

Thinking Difference with Heidegger and Levinas

Highlights the extent to which the two thinkers share a common philosophical framework, while also demonstrating how Levinas shifts the orientation of philosophical thinking from truth to justice.