
Showing 1-25 of 47 titles.
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Imagining the American Polity, Second Edition

Traces the history of the concept of democracy in the United States.

Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age

Edited by Aaron Schneider
Subjects: Politics And Law

Looks at how digitalization has changed the way we produce and interact, and the implications for working classes and countries of the Global South.

Tradition and the Deliberative Turn

Reframes the discussion of deliberative democracy in a unique fashion, approaching the debate as a historical conversation.

Primary Elections and American Politics

Argues that Progressive Era reforms had the counterintuitive effect of weakening political parties and their role in representative government.

Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary

A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes's political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life.

Liberating Revolution

Provides a novel conceptual and practical theory of revolution, engaging previous theories of revolution, contemporary continental philosophy, and systems theory.


Describes the profound social impact of the overthrow of the Thai absolute monarchy in 1932, and explains the importance of democracy in a country long known for authoritarian politics.

The Chinese Liberal Spirit

By Xu Fuguan
Edited and translated by David Elstein
Subjects: Asian Studies
Series: SUNY series, Translating China

The first English-language translation of an important figure in modern Confucian thought.

The Rorty-Habermas Debate

Argues that out of the confrontation between Rorty and Habermas, we might be able to find a new way to think about the kind of politics we need today.

Public Affairs and Democratic Ideals

Argues for refocusing attention on publicness and the critical exploration of underlying assumptions that are foundational to the study and practice of public affairs.

Higher Education for Democracy

Uses a cross-national comparison of Los Angeles, New Delhi, and Hong Kong to develop strategies universities should employ to strengthen democracy and resist fascism.

Improv for Democracy

Explores how improv-based teaching and training methods can bridge differences and promote the communication, leadership, and civil skills our world urgently needs.

The Historical Mind

Timely and provocative asessment of various cultural, moral, and political problems in "post-constitutional" America.

The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia

Examines the political dynamics behind anticorruption efforts in Asia.

Breaking Boundaries

Analyzes efforts made by communities and policy makers around the world to push beyond conventional approaches to environmental decision making.

Janus Democracy

Explores the contradictory nature of public opinion.

Citizens' Power in Latin America

Examines why some democratic innovations succeed while others fail, using Venezuela, Ecuador, and Chile as case studies.

Only the People Can Save the People

Examines the egalitarian, creative, and inclusive practice of radical democracy in contemporary Venezuela.

Confrontational Citizenship

Defends confrontational modes of citizenship as a means to reinvigorate democratic participation and regime accountability.

Behind the Facade

Explores why authoritarian regimes bother to hold elections.

Between the Rule of Law and States of Emergency

By Yoav Mehozay
Subjects: Area Studies

Raises concerns about the degree to which the rule of law and emergency powers have become fundamentally entangled, using Israel as a case study.

Urban Citizenship and American Democracy

Examines city politics and policy, federalism, and democracy in the United States.

Anarchism and Art

Interprets popular art forms as exhibiting core anarchist values and presaging a more democratic world.

The Ethics of Democracy

Demonstrates how the ethical underpinning of Hegel’s political and social philosophy has relevance for contemporary democratic life.

Disenchanted Realists, Second Edition

New edition of the provocative history of the tenuous relationship between the scientific study of politics and the real world of American democracy.