Political Philosophy

Showing 51-75 of 119 titles.
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Presents strikingly original and contemporary answers to the most traditional philosophical problems in epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and political theory.

Philosophy, History, and Tyranny

The first comprehensive examination of the debate between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève on the subject of philosophy and tyranny.

Containing Community

Analyzes the role of community in the writings of Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, and Jean-Luc Nancy.

Freedom from the Free Will

Brings Kafka’s fiction into conversation with philosophy and political theory.

Contemplating Friendship in Aristotle's Ethics

Examines how Aristotle posits political philosophy and the experience of friendship as a means to bind strictly intellectural virtue with morality.

Political Liberalism

Edited by Shaun P. Young
Subjects: Politics And Law

Leading theorists explore the concept of political liberalism.

Chinese Thought as Global Theory

Using Chinese thought, explores how non-Western thought can structure generally applicable social and political theory.


Deepens our understanding of power through a survey of how its dynamics have been understood from ancient times to the present.

Constitutionalism, Executive Power, and the Spirit of Moderation

Leading scholars and legal practitioners explore constitutional, legal, and philosophical topics.

Leo Strauss, Philosopher

European scholars discuss Leo Strauss as a major figure in the history of philosophy.

Principle and Prudence in Western Political Thought

Reflections on principle and prudence in the thoughts and actions of great thinkers and statesmen.

Political Theory and the Animal/Human Relationship

Examines how the animal/human divide has influenced power dynamics.

Contemporary Italian Political Philosophy

Highlights and critically assesses the work of contemporary Italian political philosophers.

Embracing Our Complexity

Using the thought of Christian thinker Thomas Aquinas and Neo-Confucian Zhu Xi, explores how to exercise and limit authority.

Machiavelli's Secret

Uncovers clues regarding the inner life of Machiavelli's political leaders.

The Ethics of Democracy

Demonstrates how the ethical underpinning of Hegel’s political and social philosophy has relevance for contemporary democratic life.

Thomas Hobbes

By Otfried Höffe
Translated by Nicholas Walker
Subjects: Philosophy

An introduction to Thomas Hobbes as a systematic and not merely political philosopher.

The Sophists in Plato's Dialogues

By David D. Corey
Subjects: Philosophy

Draws out numerous affinities between the sophists and Socrates in Plato's dialogues.

Honor in Political and Moral Philosophy

Argues for revitalizing the place of honor in contemporary life.

Leo Strauss on the Borders of Judaism, Philosophy, and History

Explores how the thought of Leo Strauss amounts to a model for thinking about the connection between philosophy, Jewish thought, and history.

The Political Philosophy of Francis Bacon

An ambitious and radically original reading of philosopher Francis Bacon.

Res Publica

Analysis of Plato’s influence on the political thinking of Kant, Hegel, and Fichte.

The Laws of the Spirit

By Shannon Hoff
Subjects: Philosophy

An account of Hegel's political insights and their contemporary relevance.

After Leo Strauss

Proposes a post-Straussian reading of Plato to advance a reconciliation of ancient and modern theories of natural right.

The Political Theory of Aristophanes

Examines the political dimensions of Aristophanes’ comic poetry.