Religion and Spirituality

Showing 601-625 of 969 titles.
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Reconstructs the formative debates concerning ritual purity in Islamic law and practice.

Process and Difference

Leading scholars explore the relationship between deconstructive theory and process thought.

The Early Muslim Tradition of Dream Interpretation

Explores dream interpretation among the early Muslims, who saw dreams as a type of prophecy.

A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes

The first English translation of the influential and controversial Tibetan Buddhist classic.

The Heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō

Two of Dōgen's most esteemed translators provide key chapters from his Zen masterpiece, the Shōbōgenzō, in English with annotations to guide the reader.

Rhetoric and Kairos

The first comprehensive discussion of the history, theory, and practice of kairos: that is of the role “timeliness” or “right-timing” plays in human deliberation, speech, and action.

The Continuing Agony

Reflections from Jews and Roman Catholics on their struggles with the crucial and painful issues that continue to plague Christian-Jewish dialogue.

Rabbinic Judaism's Generative Logic, Volume One

First volume documenting Rabbinic Judaism in its formative age.

Rabbinic Judaism's Generative Logic, Volume Two

Second volume documenting Rabbinic Judaism in its formative age.

Faith, Truth, and Freedom

Examines the expulsion of Professor Gerd Lüdemann from the Theology Faculty at the University of Göttingen.

Religions and Cultures

Synthesis of Mediterraneum’s first seminar.

Gnostic Apocalypse

Argues that the discourse of Jacob Boehme represents the return of Gnostic thought in modernity after a thousand year hiatus.

Neoplatonism and Western Aesthetics

Shows how the aesthetic views of Plotinus and later Neoplatonists have played a role in the history of Western art.

Silence Unheard

Explores the experience of yoga in the Yogasutra of Patanjali.

The Christian Wordsworth, 1798-1805

Traces the evolution of Wordsworth's religious attitudes from his revisions of The Ruined Cottage to the completion of The Prelude.

The Other Side of Sin

Offers a fresh viewpoint in Christian thought by looking at sin from the perspective of the sinned-against rather than that of the sinner needing forgiveness.

Gnostic Return in Modernity

Looks at the influence of Gnosticism in modern intellectual history, philosophy, and theology.

Encounter with Enlightenment

Examines the influence of Shintoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Zen Buddhism on Japanese ethics, with implications for our understanding of various social, economic, and environmental problems.

Religious Vegetarianism

An anthology of writings on vegetarianism from a wide range of religious traditions.

Cheng-Zhu Confucianism in the Early Qing

Examines the thought of Li Guangdi, an exponent of the Cheng-Zhu school of Confucianism and a powerful statesman during the Qing dynasty.

The Other Side of Nothingness

Provides an innovative theology based in mysticism, one that acknowledges the pain of spiritual repression and values religious pluralism.

Have You Been to Delphi?

A fascinating collection of tales and lore from the ancient Oracle at Delphi, this book provides both a collection of good stories and finds spiritual enlightenment weaved throughout these diverse offerings.

Marvin Fox: Collected Essays on Philosophy and on Judaism, Vol. 3

Edited by Jacob Neusner
Subjects: Jewish Studies

A selection of his more important writings.

Marvin Fox: Collected Essays on Philosophy and on Judaism, Vol. 2

Edited by Jacob Neusner
Subjects: Jewish Studies

A selection of his more important writings.