
Showing 26-50 of 74 titles.
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Boy-Wives and Female Husbands

A significant contribution to anthropology, history, and gender studies that reveals the denials of homosexuality in traditional and contemporary African societies to be rooted in colonialist ideologies.

Cycling the Erie Canal, Fifth Edition

An indispensable resource for dedicated cyclists planning to bike across the state or the casual rider looking to take the family out for a couple of hours. Great for walkers, boaters, and auto travelers, too.

Black Women's Mental Health

Creates a new framework for approaching Black women’s wellness, by merging theory and practice with both personal narratives and public policy.

Diasporic Blackness

Examines the life of Arturo Alfonso Schomburg through the lens of both Blackness and latinidad.

New York Art Deco

The first guidebook devoted exclusively to New York City’s Art Deco treasures.

Inner Experience

Outlines a mystical theology and experience of the sacred founded on the absence of god.

Disciplining Women

An interdisciplinary look Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA), the first historically Black sorority.

Being and Time

A revised translation of Heidegger's most important work.

Literacy with an Attitude, Second Edition

By Patrick J. Finn
Subjects: Education

A comprehensive update of the classic study that delivers both a passionate plea and strategies for teachers, parents, and community organizers to give working-class children the same type of empowering education and powerful literacy skills that the children of upper- and middle-class people receive.

The Bhagavad Gītā

An interlinear edition of the spiritual classic that provides devanagari, transliterated Sanskrit, and English versions of the Gītā.

Set - History of al-Ṭabarī

Collecting all forty volumes of The History of al-Ṭabarī.

Psychology of the Future

Summarizes Grof's experiences and observations from more than forty years of research into non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Subtractive Schooling

Provides an enhanced sense of what’s required to genuinely care for and educate the U. S.–Mexican youth in America.

Poetic Knowledge

By James S. Taylor
Subjects: Education

Reveals the neglected mode of knowing and learning, from Socrates to the middle ages and beyond, that relies more on the integrated powers of sensory experience and intuition, rather than on modern narrow scientific models of education.

Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times

Traces the historical development of Western Esotericism--religious traditions which emphasize the importance of inner enlightenment or gnosis.

Psychotherapy and Spirit

The first concise overview of transpersonal psychotherapy.

The Primal Wound

Argues that a primal wounding of the human spirit occurs in earliest human life that disrupts fundamental relationships and leads to anxiety, loneliness, and alienation; and shows how this wounding can be redeemed through therapy and through living one's life differently.

Conflict Resolution

Reviews classic and contemporary theories of conflict, focusing on five main ways people try to resolve their conflicts--coercion, negotiation, adjudication, mediation, and arbitration.

Native American Postcolonial Psychology

This book shows that it is necessary to understand intergenerational trauma and internalized oppression in order to understand Native Americans today. It makes native American ways of conceptualizing the world available to readers.

The Fundamentals of Family Mediation

Although there are a number of mediation books, none provide a step-by-step description of each stage in the process. This book, designed as a mediator's handbook, can be used by the practicing mediator ...

Art and Its Significance

Edited by Stephen David Ross
Subjects: Philosophy

This anthology has been significantly expanded for this edition to include a wider range of contemporary issues. The most important addition is a new section on multicultural theory, including important ...

The Taoist Experience

Containing sixty translations from a large variety of texts, this is an accessible yet thorough introduction to the major concepts, doctrines, and practices of Taoism. It presents the philosophy, rituals, ...

A Postmodern Reader

Edited by Joseph Natoli & Linda Hutcheon
Subjects: Philosophy

These readings are organized into four sections. The first explores the wellsprings of the debates in the relationship between the postmodern and the enterprise it both continues and contravenes: modernism. ...

The Symposium and the Phaedrus

The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach ...

The Experience of No-Self

Explores the journey beyond union, beyond self and God, into the silent and still regions of the Unknown.