Middle East Studies

Showing 51-75 of 115 titles.
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Displaced at Home

Edited by Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh & Isis Nusair
Foreword by Lila Abu-Lughod
Subjects: Area Studies

Groundbreaking essays by Palestinian women scholars on the lives of Palestinians within the state of Israel.

Shop Floor Culture and Politics in Egypt

Ethnographic study of textile factory workers in Alexandria, Egypt.

Ottoman Medicine

First work in English devoted to medicine in the Ottoman world.

The Lebanese Army

Comprehensive study of the Lebanese Army from Lebanon’s independence to the present.

Rūmī's Mystical Design

Reveals the sophisticated design of Rumī’s Mathnawī, showing that this seemingly unstructured work both describes and functions as spiritual training.

Narrating Muḥammad's Night Journey

Discusses the historical development of the well-loved story of the Prophet Muhammad’s night journey to the divine realm and back again.

Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount

Examines radical and messianic movements in Israel seeking to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

With an Iron Pen

A groundbreaking collection of forty-two Israeli poetic voices protesting the occupation of the West Bank.

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I Nur

Edited by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'
Introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'
Subjects: Area Studies

Essays on various facets of Nursi’s spirituality as portrayed in his Risale-i Nur.

The Heirs of the Prophet

Looks at how various factions used the tradition that scholars were the “heirs of the Prophet” during the classical period of Islam (570–1258 CE).

Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy

Examines the experiences of women activists of the Islamist Refah (Welfare) party in Turkey.

Institutions and the Politics of Survival in Jordan

Explains how the Jordanian monarchy has survived economic crisis and regional political instability.

Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam

A fascinating exploration of how the transcendent is expressed in the spatial sensibility of premodern Islam.

Israeli Backpackers

Examines the backpacking trip usually taken by Israeli youth following military service.

The International Self

Uses a social-psychoanalytic model to argue that collective identity shapes foreign policy changes.

Sanctity and Mysticism in Medieval Egypt

Using the original, little-known writings of Sufis Muhammad and 'Ali Wafa', this book explores the development of the idea of Islamic sainthood in the post-Ibn 'Arabi period.

The Watchman Fell Asleep

Examines how Israel was caught by surprise in the opening stages of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Islam in Modern Turkey

A biography of the prominent Turkish theologian and thinker.

The Striking Cabbies of Cairo and Other Stories

Challenges existing views of crafts and service workers in Egypt in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Enemies of Civilization

Looks at how foreigners were regarded in three ancient civilizations, finding that cultural, not biophysical, differences were key in distinguishing "us" from "them. "

A Tale of Two Factions

Reevaluates the foundation myths of two rival factions in Egypt during the Ottoman era.

Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern Contexts

Addresses the ideals and institutions through which Middle Eastern societies have confronted poverty and the poor.

The Nature of the Early Ottoman State

A revisionist interpretation of the early origins of the Ottoman Empire.

Constitutions in a Nonconstitutional World

Uses the Arab experience to explain the appeal of constitutional documents to authoritarian political regimes.

The Wisdom of the Mystic East

An expert on the thought of medieval Islamic philosopher Suhrawardi argues that philosophers have romanticized this work as a revival of “oriental” wisdom.