Film, Visual Culture, and Performing Arts

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  • Film, Visual Culture, and Performing Arts
Showing 226-250 of 420 titles.
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The Floating World

Documents the art and science of three-dimensional abstract artworks created in the 1970s and 1980s by one of the leading innovators of fine art holography.

Jervis McEntee

Redefines McEntee's place in the history of nineteenth-century American landscape painting.

Carlos Estévez

Serves as a source for the exploration of many dimensions of the human experience in relation to other beings, ranging from machines and blueprints to mollusks and plants.

Reading Objects 2015

Interdisciplinary responses to works in the permanent collection of the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY New Paltz.

The Leonardo Series

A one-to-one encounter with Leonardo da Vinci's work on human proportion.

Binghamton Babylon

Documents a volatile and productive moment in the development of film studies.

River of Words

By Nina Shengold
Photographs by Jennifer May
Foreword by Dennis Stock
Subjects: New York/regional
Series: Excelsior Editions

An intimate group portrait of contemporary Hudson Valley writers.

Immigrant Protest

Explores how political activism, art, and popular culture challenge the discrimination and injustice faced by “illegal” and displaced peoples.

Warrior Women

Considers the significance of female Chinese action stars in national and transnational contexts.

Bad Seeds and Holy Terrors

Examines the complexities and contradictions that arise when the monsters in the movies are children.

Apropos of Nothing

Everything you wanted to know about the Lacanian critique of deconstruction, but were afraid to ask the Coen Brothers.

Passing Interest

Explores how the trope of racial passing continues to serve as a touchstone for gauging public beliefs and anxieties about race in this multiracial era.


How a collective of artists, storytellers, and activists exploited the new technology of portable video for creative and political purposes.

Klee's Mirror

A philosophical perspective on the relation between Paul Klee’s art and his thought.

Bombay before Bollywood

Traces the development of Indian cinema from the 1920s to the mid-1990s, before "Bollywood" erupted onto the world stage.

Lonely Places, Dangerous Ground

A range of approaches to the director's life and work.

Buddhism and American Cinema

Discusses both depictions of Buddhism in film and Buddhist takes on a variety of films.

B Is for Bad Cinema

Considers films that lurk on the boundaries of acceptability in taste, style, and politics.

Painting Modernism

Studies the influence of the plastic arts on the major writers of Latin American modernism.

How to Escape

Passionate and rollicking personal and intellectual essays by philosopher Crispin Sartwell.

Race, Love, and Labor

Contemporary work by artists of color from the Center for Photography at Woodstock.

Dick Polich

Explores the significant impact that the metallurgist Dick Polich and his foundry, Tallix, have had on contemporary art.

Chinese through Song, Second Edition

An innovative approach to teaching Chinese language and culture, using folk and popular songs.

The Guitar and the New World

A transformative look at a popular instrument and a hidden chapter of American history.

The Transatlantic Gaze

Tracks the influence of Italian cinema on American film from the postwar period to the present.