Lesbian / Gay Studies

Showing 1-25 of 52 titles.
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Eccentric Laughter

Dispels the idea that postwar British comedies were apolitical, arguing instead that they presented subversive, iconoclastic, queer experiments in living for a country that was rebuilding and reimagining itself after years of conflict.

Snapping Beans

Explores the role of the South in Black queer lesbian experiences of hurting and healing.


Illustrates the diversity of Jewish lesbian queer experience through a range of topics, voices, and genres, encouraging readers to rethink narrow conceptions of Jewishness.

Doubly Erased

A wide-ranging overview of contemporary literary works by LGBTQ Appalachians with a focus on LGBTQ themes and characters.

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies

This textbook offers accessible, academically sound information on a wide range of LGBTQ+ topics. The 12 chapters cover LGBTQ+ history, culture, and Queer Theory, but also explore LGBTQ+ relationships, families, parenting, health, and education - as well as a separate chapter on how to conduct research on LGBTQ+ topics.

From Pariah to Priority

Incorporates a unique diplomatic, insider perspective to explain the unexpected incorporation of LGBTI rights into American and Swedish foreign policies.

Between Camp and Cursi

Examines how contemporary Mexican literature uses humor to contest heteronormativity.

Life after the Revolution

Shares the unique story of a Christmas tree farm in Poughkeepsie, New York, where, for over four decades, women artists boldly built a space where they could create community and art together.

Boy-Wives and Female Husbands

A significant contribution to anthropology, history, and gender studies that reveals the denials of homosexuality in traditional and contemporary African societies to be rooted in colonialist ideologies.


The gripping memoir of a young man’s struggle with his sexuality and Muslim identity, culminating in his rise to the Dutch Parliament.

Echoes of a Queer Messianic

Reconsiders mostly German narratives from around 1800 to recover echoes of a queer messianic that still resonate today.

A Queer Way Out

Argues that queer Israeli emigrants engage in a deliberately unheroic form of resistance to Zionism.

Because We Are Human

Offers a complete empirical account of US government programs, policies, and interventions outside the United States on behalf of the human rights of LGBTQ people.

The Disappearing L

Investigates the rise and fall of US American lesbian cultural institutions since the 1970s.

Ghost Faces

Combines psychoanalysis, queer theory, masculinity studies, and cultural studies to explore contemporary manhood in film.

Rethinking Sexual Citizenship

Offers a more democratic way to think about families, politics, and public life.


Uses the state of Oklahoma as a case study for how US conservatives have attempted to unqueer America since the 1950’s.

Despite All Adversities

Provides sophisticated theoretical approaches to Latin American cinema and sexual culture.


By William Robert
Subjects: Philosophy

Presents new ways of thinking about the human and the humanities through a rethinking of Antigone.

Out of the Closet, Into the Archives

The first book to focus on the experience of LGBT archival research.

The Death of Fred Astaire

When, in the late eighties, the author chooses to raise a child with her lesbian partner, she embraces a life outside the lines—one full of curious adventures as well as the usual catastrophes and everyday pleasures.

Expanding the Circle

Examines strategies and best practices that effectively integrate LGBTQ areas of teaching and research with student life activities.

Toni Morrison and the Queer Pleasure of Ghosts

By Juda Bennett
Subjects: Literature

Offers the first queer reading of all ten of Morrison's novels.

Desiring Emancipation

Uses historical case studies to illuminate women’s claims to emancipation and to sexual subjectivity during the tumultuous Wilhelmine and Weimar periods in Germany.

In the Life and in the Spirit

Examines a range of fiction that challenges widespread assumptions about what it means to be a black person of faith.