
Showing 451-475 of 756 titles.
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Jacques Derrida's Ghost

A spirited reading of Derrida’s view of ethics as transcendental and performative.

Herman Melville and the American Calling

Argues that Herman Melville’s later work anticipates the resurgence of an American exceptionalist ethos underpinning the U. S.-led global “war on terror. ”

Anxious Anatomy

Examines the body in literature and science in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Europe.

Bergson-Deleuze Encounters

Explores the continuities and discontinuities in the work of Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze.

Fairy Tales

Overturns traditional views of the origins of fairy tales and documents their actual origins and transmission.

Poems on Life and Love in Ancient India

The oldest surviving anthology of lyric poems from India, the Sattasai presents the many aspects of love and provides a realistic counterpart to the Kāmasūtra.

Latino Voices in New England

Compelling stories and striking photographs illustrate the challenges and highlights of Latino/a life in Portland, Maine.

Where We Find Ourselves

Explores the universal longing for home, illuminated through the essays, poetry, and fiction of forty Jewish women writers from around the world.

The Reason for Crows

The story of a 17th century Mohawk woman's interaction with her land, the Jesuits, and the religion they brought.

The Mighty Scot

Turns a spotlight on the Victorian love affair with Scotland.

Excavating Victorians

How Victorians reacted to the new sciences of geology and archaeology.

Cholera and Nation

How cholera epidemics affected Victorian perceptions of the body and the nation.

Death in the Classroom

By Jeffrey Berman
Subjects: Psychology

Shows how death education can be brought from the healing professions to the literature classroom.

Locating Race

Pinpoints the limits of many current globalization theories in challenging racial oppression, and argues instead for local and situated strategies for resisting racism and imperialism.

Romantic Psychoanalysis

By Joel Faflak
Subjects: Literature

How the Romantics invented psychoanalysis in advance of Freud.

Decadent Culture in the United States

The paradoxes of the American decadent movement in the 1890s and 1920s.

Lacan, Language, and Philosophy

Clinical and philosophical perspectives on key issues and debates in Lacanian psychoanalysis.

Cary Nelson and the Struggle for the University

Scholars engage the ideas and legacy of Cary Nelson in conversations about the corporate university, teaching, poetry, and activism.

White Horizon

From explorers’ accounts to boys’ adventure fiction, how Arctic exploration served as a metaphor for nation-building and empire in nineteenth-century Britain.

The Order of Joy

Provocative exploration of a new concept of “joy” within psychoanalytic and cultural studies.

Singing Krishna

Introduces Paramānand, one of India’s poet-saints, his work, and this work’s use in ritual.

Written at Imperial Command

Explores both the literary features and historical context of poetry written for imperial rulers during China’s early medieval period.

East-West Poetry

By Martin Bidney
Subjects: Literature

Poetry that responds to the Qur’an and to the tradition it created.

From Divine to Human: Dante's Circle vs. Boccaccio's Parodic Centers

In Boccacio's Decameron, Cervigni sees a parodic echo of the circles of Dante's Divine Comedy, and asks whether Bocaccio envisions the voyage of the brigata as similar to Dante the Pilgrim's journey toward the center, first the abysmal center of Lucifer, then towards the highest center, God.

The Oprah Affect

Essays explore the broad cultural impact of Oprah’s Book Club.