Comparative Philosophy

Showing 26-50 of 73 titles.
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Global Origins of the Modern Self, from Montaigne to Suzuki

By Avram Alpert
Subjects: History

Explores how writers across five continents and four centuries have debated ideas about what it means to be an individual, and shows that the modern self is an ongoing project of global history.

Following His Own Path

Critically introduces the philosophical system of Li Zehou, one of the most significant modern scholars of Chinese history and culture.

John Dewey and Confucian Thought

Assesses John Dewey’s visit to China in 1919–21 as an “intra-cultural” episode and promotes “Chinese natural philosophy” as a philosophical context in which to understand the connections between Dewey’s philosophy and early Confucian thinking.

Life as Insinuation

A holistic reinterpretation of Santayana’s thought in terms of a dramatic philosophy of life.

John Dewey and Daoist Thought

Proposes an “intra-cultural philosophy” based on John Dewey’s “cultural turn” and promotes Daoist thought as a resource that can help to reconstruct outmoded assumptions that continue to shape how we currently think.

Beyond the Troubled Water of Shifei

Offers the first focused study of the shifei debates of the Warring States period in ancient China and challenges the imposition of Western conceptual categories onto these debates.

Nothingness in the Heart of Empire

Reveals the complicity between the Kyoto School’s moral and political philosophy, based on the school’s founder Nishida Kitarō’s metaphysics of nothingness, and Japanese imperialism.

Experiments in Intra-cultural Philosophy Set (Volumes 1 and 2)

Argues that we move beyond philosophy that is simply “comparative” and uses John Dewey’s late period reflections as the basis for an alternative.

Zhuangzi and the Becoming of Nothingness

Investigates the cosmological and metaphysical thought in the Zhuangzi from the perspective of nothingness.

Effing the Ineffable

A meditation on how religious language tries to limn the liminal, conceive the inconceivable, speak the unspeakable, and say the unsayable.

Dao and Sign in History

Provides a new perspective on important linguistic issues in philosophical and religious Daoism through the comparative lens of twentieth-century European philosophies of language.

Inoue Enryō

The first comprehensive treatment of Inoue Enryō, a pioneer of modern Buddhism and a key figure in the reception of Western philosophy in East Asia.

Appreciating the Chinese Difference

A wide-ranging exploration and critical assessment of the work of a major figure in Chinese and comparative philosophy.

Apophatic Paths from Europe to China

An encounter between Franke’s philosophy of the unsayable and Eastern apophatic wisdom in the domains of poetry, thought, and culture.

Atmospheres of Breathing

Edited by Lenart Škof & Petri Berndtson
Subjects: Philosophy

Attempts to think anew about philosophical questions from the perspective of breath and breathing.

The Art of Gratitude

Explores how the emotional experience of gratitude has been enlisted in neoliberal governance through the language of debt.

Shimmering Mirrors

A study of comparative metaphysics that explores the concepts of Reality and Appearance and their relevance to contemporary religious consciousness.

Confucianism and American Philosophy

A comparative analysis of Confucianism and the American Transcendentalist and Pragmatist traditions.

Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy

Discusses the conditions of possibility for intercultural and comparative philosophy, and for crosscultural communication at large.

The Deep Ecology of Rhetoric in Mencius and Aristotle

Discusses philosophers Mencius and Aristotle as socio-ecological thinkers.

Encounters of Mind

Discusses the journey of Buddhist ideas on awareness and personhood from India to China.

Michael Oakeshott and the Conversation of Modern Political Thought

A fresh reading of Oakeshott’s contributions to the ongoing conversation of modern political thought.

Confucian Propriety and Ritual Learning

A reconsideration of the Confucian concept li (ritual or ritual propriety), one that references Western philosophers as well as the Chinese context.

Moral Cultivation and Confucian Character

A consideration of Confucian ethics that employs the work and concerns of the eminent comparative ethicist Joel J. Kupperman.

Moral Relativism and Chinese Philosophy

A wide ranging consideration of the work of contemporary ethicist David Wong.