
Showing 151-175 of 321 titles.
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Romantic Psychoanalysis

By Joel Faflak
Subjects: Literature

How the Romantics invented psychoanalysis in advance of Freud.

Lacan, Language, and Philosophy

Clinical and philosophical perspectives on key issues and debates in Lacanian psychoanalysis.

The Order of Joy

Provocative exploration of a new concept of “joy” within psychoanalytic and cultural studies.

Portable Communities

By Mary Chayko
Subjects: Sociology

Looks at the social implications of having constant access to others through cell phones, wireless computers, and other electronic devices.

The Living Classroom

Describes the emergence of powerful fields of consciousness that influence students’ learning and personal transformation.

Crucified with Christ

By Dan Merkur
Subjects: Psychology

Delineates how medieval meditation on the passion of Christ was intended to transform personality—a practice with affinity for the goals of modern psychotherapy.

The Comedy of Philosophy

Melds philosophical analysis with early cinematic history to develop a fresh theory of the notion of comedy.

Signifiers and Acts

Situates Lacan’s theory of the subject within contemporary philosophical debates over freedom and agency.

The Anorexic Self

Critically examines diagnostic and popular discourses on eating disorders.

A Diary of Gastric Bypass Surgery

The story of one African American woman’s decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery.

Dreamworlds of Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism

By Angela Sumegi
Subjects: Psychology

Explores shamanic and Tibetan Buddhist attitudes toward dreams.

Psychoanalysis and Narrative Medicine

Contributors explore the significance of literature and psychoanalysis for medical education and practice.

Desire of the Analysts

Explores psychoanalytic approaches to cultural studies.

Sarah Kofman's Corpus

Draws connections between the life and writings of philosopher Sarah Kofman.

Sex, Paranoia, and Modern Masculinity

How modern conceptions of paranoia became associated with excessive or unregulated masculinity.

Taking America Off Drugs

Argues for the superiority of behavioral treatments over drug therapies for psychological problems.

The Empathic Ground

Brings Asian theories of consciousness into dialogue with Western psychotherapeutic practices.

The Future of Psychoanalysis

Addresses the problem of multiple theories of psychoanalysis, arguing for a return to Freud.

Dreaming about the Divine

Explores the role of dreams in spiritual work.

Living Attention

Interdisciplinary exploration of the scope and impact of Teresa Brennan’s lifework.

Integral Psychology

A bold new view of the human psyche, integrating Eastern and Western approaches.

Transforming Emotions with Chinese Medicine

Explores how Chinese medicine deals with emotional disorders.

Revelations of Chance

Explores the plausibility and value of viewing synchronicity as a form of spiritual experience.

The Later Lacan

Examines fundamental concepts of the later Lacan.