
Showing 26-50 of 321 titles.
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Global Libidinal Economy

Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy.

A Wild and Sacred Call

An ecopsychological, ecospiritual exploration of humankind's relationship with the rest of nature.

Deconstructive Constitutionalism

Investigates, by way of Derrida's engagements with Kant, how the foundations of modern constitutionalism can be differently conceived to address some of the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Erotic Testimonies

Asks how Black women tap into their feelings to develop ways to live freely.


Explores the slow but inevitable implosion of our civilization by considering the correlation between capital, work, and ideology.

Full Responsibility

Explores the basic forms of responsibility that we willingly assume and the collaborative fulfillment that we find in each.

Normality, Abnormality, and Pathology in Merleau-Ponty

Drawing on Merleau-Ponty offers new insights into our understandings of health and illness, ability and disability, and the scientific and cultural practices that both enable and limit our capacity for diverse experiences.

An Introduction to the Study of Mysticism

A comprehensive, concise, and easy-to-read introduction intended for undergraduates and general readers interested in the study of mysticism.

One over Many

Corrective intervention in Plato's metaphysics replacing the standard view of Plato as a metaphysical dualist with a novel and revolutionary paradigm of unitary pluralism in a single reality built on ontological diversity.

A Black Forest Walden

Compares life today in the German Black Forest with Thoreau's experiences at Walden Pond.

Human Landscapes

The first work to offer a comprehensive pragmatist anthropology focusing on sensibility, habits, and human experience as contingently yet irreversibly enlanguaged.

The Coming Death

Explores questions of death and mortality in several key texts of East Asian literature and cinema.

Fracture Feminism

Shows how feminist writing in British Romanticism developed alternatives to linear time.

Encountering the Impossible

The first academic explanation for how spectators use their imaginations as part of the experience and appreciation of popular fantasy filmmaking.

Christ Returns from the Jungle

An in-depth, ethnographic study of the transnational expansion of Santo Daime, a mystical religious tradition organized around sacramental ingestion of the mind-altering ayahuasca beverage.

The Aesthetic Clinic

Examines experimental art and literature by women alongside psychoanalysis and philosophy to develop a new understanding of sublimation and aesthetic experience.

Mind Reeling

Across a variety of genres, shows how mental disorders are depicted in cinema.

Black Women's Yoga History

Examines how Black women elders have managed stress, emphasizing how self-care practices have been present since at least the mid-nineteenth century, with roots in African traditions.

The Other Rāma

A systematic analysis of the myth cycle of Paraśurāma (“Rāma with the Axe”), an avatára of Viṣṇu with a much darker reputation.

Knowing It When You See It

Lively analysis of how Henry James's fiction anticipates later filmmakers' concerns with what we can see and what we can know.

Thinking Life with Luce Irigaray

A broad exploration of Irigaray’s philosophy of life and living.

Postcolonial Lack

Examines representations of surplus enjoyment in postcolonial literature and film to focus on self-other relations rather than difference.


A comprehensive discussion of an important but elusive Lacanian concept within the field of psychoanalysis, as well as its relevance for philosophy, literature, gender, and queer studies.

Servant-Leadership and Forgiveness

A compelling gathering of perspectives on the intersection of servant-leadership and forgiveness.

Psychoanalysis and Repetition

Addresses unconscious repetition, a concept that is crucial to an understanding of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis.