
Showing 76-100 of 321 titles.
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Writing Widowhood

By Jeffrey Berman
Subjects: Psychology

Explores how memoirs of widowhood can help us understand the reality of bereavement and the critical role of writing and reading in recovery.

A Psychoanalyst in the Classroom

Offers a new view of pedagogical practices to psychoanalysts interested in pedagogy.

Subtle Activism

Explores whether consciousness-based practices like meditation and prayer can contribute to social change.

The Illusion of Will, Self, and Time

Discusses how William James’s work suggests a world without will, self, or time and how research supports this perspective.

The Other Side of Pedagogy

Delineates Lacan’s theory of the four discourses as a practical framework through which faculty can reflect on where their students are, developmentally, and where they might go.

Apropos of Nothing

Everything you wanted to know about the Lacanian critique of deconstruction, but were afraid to ask the Coen Brothers.

Contemplative Learning and Inquiry across Disciplines

A wide-ranging consideration of the emerging field of contemplative education.

The Gardens of Desire

Offers a psychocritical reading of Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past).

Conversations on Servant-Leadership

Some of the world’s foremost thought leaders consider the role of leadership, love, and power in the midst of political and social upheaval.

Lacan's Ethics and Nietzsche's Critique of Platonism

Brings Lacan and Nietzsche together as part of a common effort to rethink the tradition of Western ethics.

Happiness as Enterprise

Examines the contemporary discourse on happiness through the lens of governmentality theory.

Integral Voices on Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Brings the insights of Integral Theory to the consideration of sex, gender, and sexuality.

Kristeva's Fiction

Psychoanalytic perspectives on Kristeva's fiction.

The Dream on the Rock

Examines the relationship between rock art, shamanism, and the origins of human existence.

Good White People

Argues for the necessity of a new ethos for middle-class white anti-racism.

Figuring Religions

Offers new ways of comparing features of the world’s religions.

Antigone, in Her Unbearable Splendor

A study of Lacan’s engagement with the Western philosophical traditions of ethical and political thought in his seventh seminar and later work.

Improvisation, Creativity, and Consciousness

Using insights from Integral Theory, describes how the improvisational methods of jazz can inform education and other fields.

The World's Great Wisdom

Surveying spiritual and philosophical traditions, this volume revives the search for wisdom for modern times.

Integral Leadership

A groundbreaking book that brings the insights of Integral Theory to business and organizational development.

The Sense of Space

A phenomenological account of spatial perception in relation to the lived body.

Integral Recovery

Brings Integral Theory to addiction treatment, offering a more holistic vision of recovery and powerful practices for achieving it.

Here, Everything Is Dreaming

Poems and stories that stream directly from dreams and shamanic adventures in the world-behind-the-world.