Business and Economics

Showing 1-25 of 157 titles.
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Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age

Edited by Aaron Schneider
Subjects: Politics And Law

Looks at how digitalization has changed the way we produce and interact, and the implications for working classes and countries of the Global South.


Intellectual history of leisure and the use of that history to grapple with its potential future.

The Overlooked Pillar

Elevates in systematic ways the importance of organizational thinking about sustainability and emphasizes the importance of cultural organizations in facilitating societal sustainability goals.

Accounts, Excuses, and Apologies, Third Edition

Proposes a theory and case studies on repairing a damaged or threatened image or reputation.

Win or Die

This entertaining and accessible guide shows readers how to turn danger into opportunity, even when dragons threaten.

Colombian Peasants in the Neoliberal Age

Presents a timely discussion of the core problems faced by peasant communities under neo-liberal economics.

Student Success

Helps students achieve their academic and career goals by clarifying the behaviors that they alone are responsible for, explaining why they are important, how they are assessed, and how they can lead to success.

Works like a Charm

Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of “incentives” in public life from a Lacanian perspective.

Convergence as Adaptivity

Argues that states substitute unwanted policy changes dictated by globalization with politically feasible ones, leading to policy convergence.

The Motorcycle Industry in New York State, Second Edition

The compelling chronicle of 120 years of motorcycle making in the Empire State.

China and Its Small Neighbors

Analyzes the nature, processes, and political consequences of the asymmetrical relationships between China and its six small neighbors in Asia.

Following the Ticker

Traces the influence of the stock market on Americans' beliefs about politics.

Cinema of Discontent

Uses popular films to reveal the tensions generated during Japan’s postwar "economic miracle," challenging the prevailing view that it was a story of great national success.

Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being

Combines servant-leadership and feminism into a new understanding of leadership.

Bitter Harvest

Explores the duality between humans and Earth through a focus on the economic system changes that began with grain agriculture and has now reached its apogee in global capitalism.

Capitalism for All

Demonstrates that a true liberal capitalism has the capacity to enable personal well-being while dealing with new challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and automation.

Virgin Capital

Ethnography situating the contemporary financial services industry in the US Virgin Islands within broader histories of racial capitalism and gender inequality.

Creating a Culture of Mindful Innovation in Higher Education

Offers a vision for innovation in higher education focused on societal progress and human development, as well as for higher education's role within a broader culture of innovation.

Imagining the Fed

Traces the six-decade struggle for power within the Federal Reserve System from the perspective of the central bankers who shaped the Fed.

The Atlantic and Africa

Traces the inner connections between the second slavery in the Americas, slavery in Africa, the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, and the "Great Transformation" of the nineteenth century world economy.

Vera and the Ambassador

A behind-the-scenes look at diplomacy and international relations in post-communist Eastern Europe.

The Split Economy

Draws on philosophy, economics, theology, and psychoanalytic theory to reveal a fundamental dynamic of capitalism.

Globalizing Organic

By Rafi Grosglik
Subjects: Sociology

Traces how alternative food movements are affected by global and local trends, with a focus on how organic agriculture was integrated in Israel.

Capital in the Mirror

Analyzes contemporary capitalism through the products of culture and art for fresh insight into emancipatory possibilities concealed within capitalism’s darkest dynamics.

Servant-Leadership and Forgiveness

A compelling gathering of perspectives on the intersection of servant-leadership and forgiveness.