
Showing 1-25 of 83 titles.
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Black Women and Resilience

A critical examination of the health disparities and collective resilience of Black women in the United States.

Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre

Illuminating new essays on Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre, or The Science of Knowing.

Deeper Learning with Psychedelics

Through a philosophical lens, this book explores the powerful educational capabilities of classic psychedelics.

Amplifying Voices in UX

Designers can create stronger products by considering multiple users with varied perspectives and thus create balance, termed equilibriUX, in their designs.

Invisible Forces

By Pei Pei Liu
Subjects: Education

Explores the critical role that classroom educators play in supporting student motivation throughout the transition from high school to college.

Action, Embodied Mind, and Life World

Combines phenomenology with the "enactivist" approach to consciousness theory and recent emotion research to explore the way self-motivated action plans shape selective attention, exploration, and ultimately the mind's interpretation of reality - in philosophy, psychology, cultural awareness, and our personal lives.

Struck by Apollo

Retraces Hölderlin's journeys to Bordeaux and back in 1801–02, explaining why they are turning points in the great poet's life.

Holotropic Breathwork, Second Edition

The definitive overview of this transformative breathwork.

The Emergence of Value

Argues that truth, moral right, political right, and aesthetic value may be understood as arising out of a naturalist account of humanity, if naturalism is rightly conceived.

Transforming One's Self

A fresh and rigorous interpretation of William James's ethical theory, showing how experimenting with life's opportunities can transform one's self and life.

Deconstructive Constitutionalism

Investigates, by way of Derrida's engagements with Kant, how the foundations of modern constitutionalism can be differently conceived to address some of the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Erotic Testimonies

Asks how Black women tap into their feelings to develop ways to live freely.

Normality, Abnormality, and Pathology in Merleau-Ponty

Drawing on Merleau-Ponty offers new insights into our understandings of health and illness, ability and disability, and the scientific and cultural practices that both enable and limit our capacity for diverse experiences.

Human Landscapes

The first work to offer a comprehensive pragmatist anthropology focusing on sensibility, habits, and human experience as contingently yet irreversibly enlanguaged.

Encountering the Impossible

The first academic explanation for how spectators use their imaginations as part of the experience and appreciation of popular fantasy filmmaking.

Mind Reeling

Across a variety of genres, shows how mental disorders are depicted in cinema.

Black Women's Yoga History

Examines how Black women elders have managed stress, emphasizing how self-care practices have been present since at least the mid-nineteenth century, with roots in African traditions.

Servant-Leadership and Forgiveness

A compelling gathering of perspectives on the intersection of servant-leadership and forgiveness.

Catalyzing the Field

A rich collection of essays about the inner, shared experiences of participants engaged in second-person approaches to contemplative practice.

Dancing with Sophia

Explores the philosophical dimensions and implications of integral theory.

Reconciliation in Global Context

A transdisciplinary approach to reconciliation practices and policies by an international team of scholars and scholar-practitioners.

Dimensions of Blackness

A multidimensional approach captures the complexities of African American racial identity.

Writing the Talking Cure

By Jeffrey Berman
Subjects: Literature

Explores Yalom’s profound contributions to psychotherapy and literature.

Rx Hollywood

How films of the 1960s and early 1970s framed therapeutic issues as problems of human communication, and individual psychological problems as social ones.

Sabina Spielrein

Explores the life and work of psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein through a feminist and mytho-poetic lens.