Religion and Spirituality

Showing 901-925 of 969 titles.
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In Defense of the Land Ethic

In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy brings into a single volume J. Baird Callicott's decade-long effort to articulate, defend, and extend the seminal environmental philosophy ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 6

The sixth volume of the translation of al-Ṭabarī's History deals with the ancestors of Muḥammad, with his own early life, and then with his prophetic mission up to the time of his Hijrah or emigration ...

Sounds of Valley Streams

Sounds of Valley Streams is a study of Zen Buddhist enlightenment in nine chapters of Shōbōgenzō Dōgen. Francis H. Cook has translated the nine chapters and has preceded them with four chapters of ...

God and Religion in the Postmodern World

Addressed to readers who have found liberal theology empty or who believe that one cannot be religious and fully rational and empirical at the same time.

The Bible Tells Them So

Exploring its vigorous hold on believers and its influence on American public life, Boone approaches the authority of fundamentalism through its discourse. She uses literary theory to explain how the ...

The Triadic Heart of Śiva

This book explores one of the most explicit and sophisticated theoretical formulations of tantric yoga. It explains Abhinavagupta's teaching about the nature of ultimate reality, about the methods for ...

The Goddesses' Mirror

In this book, you can see how the divine has been perceived in feminine form. Here are ten of the best known goddesses from a variety of cultures -- East and West, past and present. A wide range is presented, ...


Kundalini's power lies dormant in humans until it is awakened. The awakened Kundalini expresses the primal divine impulse and ultimately joins the individual with the divine. The development of the book ...

Spirituality and Society

This book takes a genuinely new spiritual stance reflecting the emergence of a post-modern science and differing from the relativistic nihilism that calls itself postmodern but is really modernism extended ...


This book explicates the origin, nature, function, and significance of mantras within the bounds of the Hindu tradition. It explores the use of mantras in the Vedic age, in Saivism and Vaisnavism, in ...

Evelyn Underhill

Evelyn Underhill was a pioneer in revitalizing interest in mysticism and in the spiritual life as lived by ordinary people. Here are some of her articles that demonstrate the variety and development of ...

Islam in Practice

This book is a unique study of Shi'a Islam as it lives in the minds and hearts of people in a Southwest Iranian village. The central segment of the text is presented in the form of edited interviews conducted ...

Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah

This book presents important topics regarding the more mystical trend of Kabbalah—the ecstatic Kabbalah. It includes the mystical union, the world of imagination, and concentration as a spiritual technique. ...

Authority and Political Culture in Shi'ism

The major theme of this book is authority in Shi`ism with special emphasis on its institutionalization in different historic periods from the beginning of Shi`ism in the Middle Ages to the present.

Part ...

The Concise Rāmāyana of Vālmīki

This is a condensed version of a long epic, written between 750 and 500 B. C., consisting of 50,000 lines of Sanskrit verse. Divided into seven Kanor books, it tells the story of Rama from his birth to ...

The Experience of Hinduism

This book presents multi-faceted images of religious experience in the Marathi-speaking region of India. In addition to Irawati Karve's classic, "On the Road," about her pilgrimage to Pandharpur, there ...

Studies in Religious Fundamentalism

This book examines the specific circumstances that nurture fundamentalist beliefs and practices. It studies contemporary fundamentalist developments in several continents, involving groups associated ...

A Living Tree

This book examines biblical and rabbinic law as a coherent, continuing legal tradition. It explains the relationship between religion and law and the interaction between law and morality. Abundant selections ...

The Heart Sūtra Explained

Renowned for its terse declaration of the perfection of wisdom, the Heart Sutra is the most famous of Buddhist scriptures. The author draws on previously unexamined commentaries, preserved only in Tibetan, ...

The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia

The first wide-scale presentation of a major Jewish mystic, the founder of the ecstatic Kabbalah.

The Doctrine of Vibration

Cutting across distinctions of schools and types, the author explains the central feature of Kashmir Shaivism: the creative pulse of the all pervasive Consciousness called SAiva. This is also the central theme of the Hindu Tantras, and Dyczkowski provides new insight into the most literate and extensive interpretations of the Tantras.

Mirror of the Intellect

Titus Burckhardt was Swiss and an eminent member of the traditionalist school. He is perhaps best known to the English-speaking public as the author of the following books: Sacred Art in East and West; ...


It is the thought of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan that is most often presented in the West as "Hinduism. " He was a remarkable man. In addition to having been President of India while Nehru was Prime Minister, ...

The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 18

This volume presents for the first time in English Ṭabarī's complete account of the twenty-year long reign of the fifth caliph, Muʿāwiyah (661-680). The importance of this account lies partly in ...