SUNY series, Restructuring and School Change

Showing 1-13 of 13 titles.
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Teachers Learning in Community

Raises provocative questions about the efficacy, viability, and sustainability of professional learning communities.

Talking about a Revolution

Analyzes how teachers attempt to translate the language of reform into pedagogical action.

Legal Rights, Local Wrongs

Shows how education reforms take place within cauldrons of political interests and conflicting values and beliefs.

Listening to Urban Kids

Independent researchers interview urban middle school students to get their impressions of the teachers that help them to succeed in schools.

Teachers and Educational Change

Presents powerful lessons about the realities of school reform by portraying the experiences of five teachers involved in a restructuring initiative.

Accountability, Assessment, and Teacher Commitment

This book provides the basis for thoughtful reflection and discussion of school accountability by critically examining Kentucky's groundbreaking educational reform strategy of statewide student assessment and teacher accountability.

The Dimensions of Time and the Challenge of School Reform

Rather than simply lamenting that there is never enough time in the school day, this book looks at the dimensions of time as a significant factor in the success and failure of many of today’s school reform efforts.

Race, Class, and Power in School Restructuring

Explores the intersection of two central issues in American education today: school reform through restructuring and alienation from school of many children of color. A tough look at the impact of teachers' and administrators' beliefs and practices.

The School within Us

The inspirational story of a group of teachers, parents, and students who face and overcome many challenges in their struggle to create a very unconventional school within a school.

Community, Collaboration, and Collegiality in School Reform

A "tale from the trenches" of educational reform, this book chronicles a year in the life of four teachers as they implement an innovative new program.

The Business of Reforming American Schools

A critical look at the influence of the business community on the school reform movement, specifically how popular business management theories have been used as "tools" to produce a "workforce" for the 21st century.

Lessons from Restructuring Experiences

Describes the process of collaborative educational reform in the context of the professional development school model. First-person stories describe how "reformed" schools and universities look and assess the impact of such reform on students, teachers, and colleges of education.

A Geology of School Reform

Provides a rare look at how successive waves of educational reforms have interacted within a single school district.