Body, The

Showing 1-22 of 22 titles.
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The Touch of the Present

Explores the importance of the body and the senses in educational encounters, drawing out the aesthetic and political dimensions of educational practices.

Meaning and Embodiment

By Nicholas Mowad
Subjects: Philosophy

Examines Hegel's insights regarding the complexity and significance of embodiment in human life, identity, and experience.

Plato and the Body

Offers an innovative reading of Plato, analyzing his metaphysical, ethical, and political commitments in connection with feminist critiques.

Bodies in China

Engages with Chinese philosophy to offer new conceptual models for reframing gender, bodies, and aesthetics.

Out for Blood

Frames menstruation as a site of resistance, defiance, and shamelessness, showcasing the work of those who fight back against shame and silence.

It Hurts Down There

Tracks the medical emergence and treatment of vulvar pain conditions in order to understand why so many US women are misinformed about their sexual bodies.

The Joy of Noh

Examines Japanese later life learners involved in Noh theater.

The Sense of Space

A phenomenological account of spatial perception in relation to the lived body.


Edited by Gail Weiss
Subjects: Philosophy

Connects Merleau-Ponty’s thought to themes and issues central to continental philosophy today.

Anxious Anatomy

Examines the body in literature and science in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Europe.

The Body in Medical Culture

Edited by Elizabeth Klaver
Subjects: Cultural Studies

Engages critically with historical and contemporary representations of the medicalized human body.

The Bodily Dimension in Thinking

An ontology of bodily being featuring Plato, Nietzsche, Scheler, Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, and Foucault.

Nietzsche and Embodiment

Examines the significance of Nietzsche’s writings for contemporary debates about embodiment.

Amending the Abject Body

Examines the implications and meanings of the makeover and aesthetic surgery industry in American popular culture.

Scenes of the Apple

Examines the rich and multiple meanings of food in women's writing.

Thinking the Limits of the Body

Shows the inseparability of textuality, materiality, and history in discussions of the body.

Feminism, Foucault, and Embodied Subjectivity

Argues that Foucault's work employs a conception of subjectivity that is well-suited for feminist theory and politics.

The Wounded Body

Explores the wounded body in literature from Homer to Toni Morrison, examining how it functions archetypally as both a cultural metaphor and a poetic image.

Fire and Roses

Interprets postmodernity in relation to the body--the "somatological a priori," and applies current critical theory to issues of gender, popular culture fashion, and magic, as well as the Western philosophical/theological tradition.

Transgressive Corporeality

This book examines embodiment and poststructuralism as they pertain to theological method.

Literary Anatomies

This book shows how imaginative literature brings women's medical experiences back to lived moments in living bodies, where readers can, perhaps, better understand what it feels like to be someone else. ...

People of the Body

By shifting attention from the image of Jews as a textual community to the ways Jews understand and manage their bodies — for example, to their concerns with reproduction and sexuality, menstruation ...