Popular Culture

Showing 51-75 of 81 titles.
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In the Hamptons Too

Tales of the sometimes rich, sometimes famous, but always quirky residents of one of America’s best-known summer colonies, as told by the editor and publisher of Dan’s Papers, the area’s free weekly newspaper.

Second Takes

The first collection of essays devoted to the phenomenon of the film sequel.

Paradigm City

Materially grounded analysis of contemporary film, literature, and music in Hong Kong that resists the superficial stereotypes of the “global city. ”

Vampire God

By Mary Y. Hallab
Subjects: Literature

Examines the enormous popular appeal of vampires from early Greek and Slavic folklore to present-day popular culture.

Perpetual Adolescence

Explores the arrested development of American culture.


Uncovers the queer nature of heterosexuality on film.

The Oprah Affect

Essays explore the broad cultural impact of Oprah’s Book Club.

The Comedy of Philosophy

Melds philosophical analysis with early cinematic history to develop a fresh theory of the notion of comedy.

Beer, Babes, and Balls

Looks at contemporary sports talk radio and its relations to both traditional and newer forms of masculinity.

Out of Play

A revealing look at gender issues in contemporary sport.

Apocalyptic Dread

The power and presence of dread in recent American cinema.

Speaking the Lower Frequencies

Shows how using texts from popular culture in the classroom can help young people to become critical consumers of media without losing the pleasure they derive from it.

Sites of Autopsy in Contemporary Culture

Explores the role and function of the autopsy in Western culture, from Rembrandt's The Anatomy Lecture to The X-Files and CSI.

Reading Oprah

An analysis of how Oprah's Book Club has changed America's reading habits.

Fanning the Flames

A fascinating look at fans of a variety of popular culture phenomena in Japan.

Funny, It Doesn't Sound Jewish

Documents the influence of Jewish music on American popular song.

Film Voices

Interviews with prominent filmmakers, actors, and others on the art, craft, and business of moviemaking.

Celluloid Couches, Cinematic Clients

Looks at how therapy and the "talking cure" have been portrayed in the movies.

Celluloid Nationalism and Other Melodramas

Explores issues of representation and rebellion in Mexican and Mexican American cinema.

Athletic Intruders

Explores women's place in sport and exercise from a socioculture perspective.

The Best Olympics Ever?

Uses the Sydney Olympics as a prism through which to explore recent Olympic scandals, media coverage, reform efforts, and controversies.


Shows how our cultural misconceptions about the body distort its capacities and lead to personal and social ills.

Shakespeare in the Cinema

A comprehensive look at film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays.

Popular Modernity in America

Examines a wide variety of cultural and technological phenomena that have helped shape American popular culture over the last 150 years.