European History

Showing 26-40 of 40 titles.
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Biondo Flavio's Italia Illustrata

An English translation of Biondo Flavio’s Italia Illustrata, with commentary.

The Hidden Children of France, 1940-1945

Edited by Danielle Bailly
Translated by Betty Becker-Theye
Subjects: History
Series: Excelsior Editions

Interviews with eighteen Jewish “hidden children” of France and Belgium, telling the story of their survival during World War II.

Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations

A comprehensive history of bilateral relations between the Netherlands and the United States.

Montesquieu and His Legacy

Essays on Montesquieu and the influence of his thought from the eighteenth century to today.

Margins of Disorder

Traces how progressive liberals in Edwardian Britain responded to contemporary intellectual trends.

Sarajevo Essays

Draws on the Bosnian situation to argue for a reconciliation between modernity and tradition.

Gleanings in Europe

Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine is an account of James Fenimore Cooper's travels in Europe at the time of the 1832 revolt in Paris, when he hoped General Lafayette would be declared President of France ...

Education in the Third Reich

In its determination to take absolute control, the Third Reich focused on the nation's youth, reserving for the schools the vital task of refashioning the German psyche. This book examines these propaganda ...

Abandoned Children

Edited by Rachel G. Fuchs
Introduction by Rachel G. Fuchs
Subjects: History

In nineteenth-century France, parents abandoned their children in overwhelming numbers—up to 20 percent of live births in the Parisian area. The infants were left at state-run homes and were then transferred ...

Gleanings in Europe

France (1837) was the third volume published in Cooper's Gleanings in Europe series, but first in the chronology of his European experience. Less sequential than his other travel narratives, France distills ...

Gleanings in Europe

Describing Italy as "the only region of the earth that I truly love," James Fenimore Cooper used the style of picturesque impressionism to convey his vision of Italy as the microcosm of an ordered and ...

Gleanings in Europe

A contemporaneous reviewer called James Fenimore Cooper's England "unquestionably the most searching and thoughtful, not TO say philosophical of any" of the books "published by an American on England." ...

Aristocrats and the Crowd in the Revolutionary Year 1848

By Josef V. Polisensky
Translated by Frederick Snider
Subjects: History

The Prague Uprising of 1848 was part of the powerful series of revolutions that shook practically the entire European Continent as the middle classes and urban and rural workers pressed against the rule ...

Gleanings in Europe

In the summer of 1828 James Fenimore Cooper, his wife, and their five children set out from Paris for Switzerland, and Cooper wrote that he experienced a "glorious anticipation," for "a common-place converse ...